Chapter 29

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Ben point of view 

They been making me and Tayanne work for them for a long time without a break. I wondering what the other three are doing at this point in time since we haven't seen them. The room is completely empty with patients. I wash my hands in a bowl. Ylva is tidying the beds while Tayanne is putting away the herbs, potions and equipment that the doctors and nurses used. I sit on a chair by a table, putting my hat on the table and sighing. 

Tayanne and Ylva sit on the chairs around the table that I am at. We are warned out from all the work. "How do you think the others are doing?" Tayanne asked me and starts to click her fingers. "Not sure. Whatever their doing it seems to be going alright" I say while wiping my glasses. Ylva is looking at the table likely worried about Everlyn. Rhys hasn't come back to say if everything goon okay and she checked on her earlier and their was no change. 

The door slowly opens and we all stare at it direction. Rhys comes through the door, closing it behind him. He's covered in blood and hasn't got his gown on. "Rhys? What are you doing here?" Tayanne asked, the three of us stand up. "To be honest. I didn't know which way to go to find Everly" He walks over to a window, opening it and checking outside. Ylva goes over to him. "She's above us on the left hand side. The very top. Below us is a pit of leva that keeps the town warm" she tells him and rubs her head. 

Rhys stands up on the window edge looking down at the pit. "Why are you covered in blood?" I asked and pick up my hat, putting it back on. "Long story. Oh I need a bit of you hair Ylva" Rhys holds out his hand. She looks at him oddly for a moment and uses a scalpel to cut a small bit of and gives it to him. He sighs for a moment and takes it. "Sorry. Need a girl werewolf hair to finish the potion off. I forgot to ask earlier" He says putting the hair in a small bag he has in his pockets.   

Tayanne looks at him scanning the scars on his arms noticing how deep and bad they are. "Right before I go. I need you two to check on Courtney and Iestyn in a couple of minutes. Tayanne you may need to bath Courtney. Their in the cell room on the second floor, go right and down the hall way until you get to last door" He says and takes a weird looking weapon from his belt and puts it in his hand. He walks slowly back. "Oh forgot. Get Courtney to hold the crystal that in m-m" He fell backwards out the window before finishing his sentence.   

For the most rarest kind we all have ever seen. He's pretty dumb sometimes. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Ylva asked us while holding her hands together. "Yeah he'll be fine. Worst thing to happen is that his own stubbornness or dumbness will kill him" Tayanne says and rubs her head. I tidy myself up a little and go towards the door. "We better check on Iestyn and Courtney" I tell Tayanne and she nodes. "Please don't tell anyone we left" Tayanne looked at Ylva and she smiled at Tayanne.  "I won't say a word" Ylva says while smiling and Tayanne smiled back. 

Leaving the room we tried to remember what Rhys said second floor and go right. All the way down the hallway. We both slowly started walking up the stairs and through the right side hallway. "What did you think happened?" I asked Tayanne. She stays silent for the moment and then answers. "I'm not sure really. Rhys has been keeping a lot from us hasn't he?" She staring at the floor. I didn't really know what answer to give her to be honest. "Let's just check on the other two. After all of this I'm getting answers off him" She says with a bit off anger in her voice. I stay silent not knowing what to say.

We got to the door at the end off the hallway. Last door in the hallway as Rhys said. We could hear laughing coming from inside the room. We knocked on the door, we could hear people moving quickly and the laughing stopped. After a minute someone opens the door. It was Courtney wearing a dress covered in blood and has Rhys gown around her. "Oh hey Tayanne and Ben" She says opening the door fully, we walk in, Courtney closes the door behind us so no one knows we are here. Iestyn was leaning against the wall with his arms folded with only trousers on. 

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