Chapter 17

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Ben point of view one month ago

I drink the rum that I have made while reading a book about squids, I needed something to pass the time. I take of my glasses and start rubbing my eyes, I haven't slept as much since what happened. It token me and Tayanne weeks to put Rhys in a recover state. 

I take off my hat, put it on the side of the table and notice that I finished my rum. "Need a second one" I hear Iestyn voice coming from behind, he sits next to me and puts a glass of rum by me. "Thanks" I thanked him and pick up the glass, started drinking the rum. "It funny Courtney been in the training room for a long time, you have been in the library for a long time and Tayanne been in the alchemy room with Yappy and Rhys for a long time" He tells me while drinking his rum. "Yep it been a long month. I'm just passing time by reading this squid book" I tell him and rest my hand on my cheek and my elbow on the table looking at the book. 

"Right are you drunk?" Iestyn asked me, he sits up a little looking over my shoulder noticing six or seven glasses of rum on the floor. "No just sleepy. I've been trying to find ways on how we could beat the fucker Revan and I got nothing" I said and hiccupped while trying to talk. "I just can't find anything on this fucking guy. I found one book and that it just fucking one" I keep telling him while waving the one book in his face. Iestyn lowers my hand down and puts the book on the table. "Look ben mate you need to rest" He tells me that I should sleep but I don't want to. "I can't be" I was going to say fuck but then my face hit hard on the table and I fell asleep. Iestyn laughs, puts my glasses and books on the side. He then puts a random blanket on me and left.  

Tayanne Point of view

I sat on a chair in the alchemy room away from Rhys. Yappy is sitting on Rhys left side of the table on the floor sleeping. I sigh, I don't know what wrong with me. This person put a fucking seal on me to save my life but has no idea on what it does. I don't know why but a part of me wants to hate him but feel sorry for him. 

"You seem to be acting odd lately" I voice came from the door way and it was Courtney smiling at me, she walks over to me and sits next to me. I smile back to her and wondered if I should tell her what has been going on. "Yeah just strange things have been going on lately" I told her while looking at her. 

"How more strange can it get? We had to get you back from your blood lust state, We are getting hunted down by someone that we don't even know, he almost killed Rhys, and now we are waiting for him to wake up. Can't really get anymore strange than that" She says while giggling a little, I know she's trying to light the mood because of what going on. Spuriously enough it's working. 

"Yeah just ... " I bite on my own words wondering if I should tell her or not. She is my best friend and known me for a very long time. I'm sure she could understand how I'm feeling. She looks at me concerned while I'm gripping my legs, digging my nails into my legs a little. "Tayanne what wrong?" She asked me, I should tell her but I don't know how she would reacted. "Courtney. Have you ever felt any odd feelings for Iestyn" I tell her, I grip my legs hopping that what she says is not bad but then she starts to laugh. 

I wondered why she is laughing, the grip on my legs loses and I looked at her with a red face. "Why are you laughing?" I asked her and hit her shoulder gently. "Ow haha. I get what going on" She says to me and I looked at her confused. "Your having feelings for Rhys" Courtney tells me with a smile, my face goes really red and I look at the floor. 

"N-no no I just h-hate what he's done but feel sorry for him" I say while messing with my hands. "Tayanne you can't hate him and feel sorry for him at the same time. Sure you act different towards other people than us but If your feeling sorry for him that means you care about him" She tells me. Hang on that can't be right, this person did something to me that he doesn't even know and I'm caring about him!

"Nope not true not true" I tell her while clicking my fingers and face still red. "Then answer me this why did you shed tears for him when we thought he was dead? You crying and tearing is very very rare" She looks at me with a smirk. Wait a second I did, when Revan almost killed him and we try to help him, I did shed tears. What is wrong with me. I rub my head all confused and wondering what to do. Courtney puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me with a smile and I look at her. 

"Tayanne it really okay. Feeling like that is normal. I feel that way towards Iestyn but I don't tell him because it's embarrassing. It kinda different for you because your caring about someone you don't really know and honestly put it in his shoes. As Iestyn told us he's been on his own for over 500 years and maybe more. He's had no one" She was going to keep say more but then Yappy braked at us. "Okay he's had no one that are people better" She says to Yappy and he brakes twice and goes back to sleep. "Anyway my point is that what you are feeling is normal. You may not want that feeling since you don't really know him but maybe you might be someone he wanted in his life" She tells me and hugs me, I put my head on her shoulder, putting my arms around her to hug her back. Maybe she's right, I don't need to say anything to him, maybe being around him more might show me what type of person he is. 

Courtney let's go "I better check on the others. It our turn to make food anyway" She says and stands up walking towards to door, opening it. I look at Rhys and wondered about what Courtney said. She giggles and then I quickly look at her with a smile. "What?" I ask her "Nothing hehe you may get lucky with him hint hint" She tells me and left quickly closing the door running off. 

My face goes completely burning red and I giggle a little. "dam you Courtney" I said while smiling, going towards the door and opens it. "Come on Yappy you need food too" I told him and he gets up with a wagging tail, braking happily and leaves the room. I giggle and take one last look at Rhys and then close the door.  

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