Chapter 22

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Tayanne point of view 

We were racing against the clock. We needed to get to the boys before they get themselves killed. Me and Courtney was able to get through parts off this maze without encountering anything. Maybe the Namidas forgot to put monster in this maze. 

Courtney stopped me for a moment putting her arm in front of my chest "What is it?" I asked her, she's pointing at something towards us. I'm pretty sure that they are cats? "Why does this maze have cats in here?" Courtney said out loud. Their were black, white, ginger, grey and brown. It was strange for a place like this to have cats here. "What do we do?" Courtney asked slowly reaching for her dagger. I put my hand on her shoulder, shaking my head quickly "Hang on their just cats!!" I told her. She sighed moving her hand away from the dagger. 

We looked around the area more noticing a red pool by the cats. "A red pool off water? Hmm" Courtney gets lost in her thoughts and slowly walks up to the pool. Going down on her knees, She puts her hand in the water checking it. "What's wrong?" I go over to her before going on my knees, the cats seem to be drinking from this pool. Why would they be drinking from this pool? Maybe it's the only thing they can drink since their stuck here. 

Courtney lifts her hand from the pool and feeling the liquid on her fingers. Going on my knees next to her wondering what it could be but then "I can smell blood?" I say to my self, it hit me like a dagger going through my heart, for vampires telling what is blood or not is very easy. Sadly in a bad way sometimes blood smells better than most drinks you can have. "This pool is full with blood but" Courtney tells me but wondering about something that makes no sense is why is it blood. We looked at the pool and ripples came from the middle off the pool, corpses off humans started emerging and started to float above the water. 

Me and Courtney could tell that this blood is old because of the smell and the corpses are rotten. "That explains the pool but why are the cats drinking it?" I say while walking away from the pool and Courtney follows me. The cats started to twitch and fall to the ground, they sound in pain but their voices started to sound broken after a bit of time. "These are not normal cats" Courtney tells me and gets her daggers out, I light my hands on fire to get ready. "But they seem to be acting normal at first. Maybe it's because they drank the pool off blood?" I tell her but she just shrugged her shoulders. 

The cats started to change into something a lot more dangerous and less cute. They turned into weird looking bear monsters standing on two legs, their skin had a mixed colour of dark grey and black. Their are bits off red outlining where their bones were, their nails turned into sharp and bloody claws with the stench off human blood on them. They have a small tale that seems to be like a werewolves tale and dark blue strings off hair going behind their pointy ears down to their necks. Their expression on their faces made them look human with a wide open mouth as if you just got surprised. 

"This doesn't look good" I say out loud and got ready for a fight. "We don't have time for this, let's try and finish this quickly" Courtney says while gripping her daggers tight and gets ready. She must be worried about Iestyn since he is passed out. She runs towards them diving head first into them. The creatures started to attack her but she was moving to quickly for them to even touch her, she was cutting their throats, arms and legs off the creatures but after a bit she started to get reckless, tripping on her own footing. They were about to pale on her and she holed the daggers in a cross to defend her self but I was able to push them all away from her. 

"Look I know your worried about Iestyn and the others but you don't need to dive into the creatures and get yourself killed" I told her while punching two off the creatures back to back lighting them on fire. She shakes her head for a moment and got up "Sorry. Let's do this together" She says with a smile, leaning her back against mine to show that she has my back. "Yeah together" I say with a smile and having my back against her to show I have her back.

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