Chapter 3

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The corpse come running at us with dark red eyes. "Any ideas?" Courtney ask defending off werewolves, she used her vampire speed as advantages against them using her daggers that are on fire to light them up. "I don't fucking know" I replied while defending my self from the werewolves and vampires, using my sword to block their attacks while chopping their arms and legs. "Aren't you might to be some sort of a expert at this kind off stuff" Iestyn says while using is werewolves strength to rip the arms and heads off the vampires. I push the vampires and werewolves off me and turn to the two "Listen you one I have done this type of stuff before so I am a expert and two" I stop and notice a werewolf going for my back, I kick it in the face and quickly cuts off it's legs "These zombies are new to me. Normally they would stay down after cutting their limbs off and they was weaker than this but for some reason they still have their strength as if they were alive and their body parts regenerate over fucking time" I shouted to Iestyn.

Courtney moved back towards Iestyn so that they were back to back. "They seem to regenerate a bit slower when their burning" she said. Iestyn grab Courtney arm to swing her so that she can kick the corpse around them in the face so that they can be burned by the bottom off her shoe that have been enchanted. I defend off the vampires and werewolves coming close to me and lighten my sword on fire to do extra damage to them. While blocking and attacking I was thinking on what we could do to get ride of them. "I might have a idea" I say while impaling a vampire in the chest and cutting it in half. Iestyn thrown Courtney to one of the monsters so that she can kick it to the ground and then burning it head to dust, "What idea?" he asked while grabbing and ripping limbs off the werewolf in front of him. "Maybe it link to one person. One of these corpse must have a seal on them that controls the others so if that one dies maybe they'll all go too. That a maybe by the way" I said while sticking my sword through a werewolves head on the ground and punching a vampire on the side of me. "Okay so which one would have it?" She ask while cutting the corpses necks open to the point the head fell of with her daggers and lights the insides on fires. "Umm not really su-" I got cut of by the giant swing his club at me and go flying in the air into tress, breaking down five tress before hitting the hard ground. "Never mind" I said on the ground and waving to show I'm okay, Courtney and Iestyn moved backwards to were I am checking on me "You okay?" Courtney ask while kicking away the vampires, "You going to die on us now" Iestyn says with a smirk, punching and clawing the werewolves. "Nope Nope I'm fine. It going to hurt in the morning" I said, gets up while clicking my back. I rub my head to get back into forces with what's going on, I look front off me with vampires and werewolves coming towards us while the giant stays at the back with my sword on the ground next to it.

"Fuck my sword by the fucker" I said and slowly walk to a knocked down tree. "What should we do? We are going to get out number if we don't think of something" Courtney says while knocking down a vampire and staying it through the chest. "Give me a second. Cover me, keep the vampires and werewolves away from me while I go for the giant" I said, picked up the tree and thrown it towards the giant and towards it. "He's goon mad and how did he do that?" Iestyn says while throwing a werewolves to the vampire going for Courtney, "Fight first, question him later" Courtney replied with a confused expression. Both of them started running towards the vampires and werewolves to provide me cover while I'm going after the giant.

I run towards the giant and slide under him to grab my sword by the corpse next to it. "This is mine not yours" I said to the giant and looked at me with a lifeless expression, swinging his club at me and used my sword to block it. The ground is breaking under my feet, Courtney and Iestyn looked over towards me fighting giant and noticing what going on. "huh the giant must be giving him a hard time" Iestyn says while still smirking and rips a head off one of the corpse. "I have a odd feeling that not the giant doing" Courtney replied to him and snap one of the vampires head of and thrown it at a different vampire.

I keep blocking the giant attacks with my sword to try and make him use up his strength and stamina but it seems what ever doing this is making them have all their strength and stamina while being dead. "hmm" I thought to myself what going on, I swing my sword hard enough to let the giant lose it balance, jump towards the giant and impale him through the head with my sword but doesn't work. "fuck" I said to my self and got back on the ground. The giant looked at me and grind "Ever in death the dum thing has a sense of humour" I said and gripped my hand "Fine" I said and got ready. The giant laugh with a crackled voice and was ready to swing.

Courtney and Iestyn notice was going to happen and pushed the corpse away. "He's goon fucking nuts" Iestyn says "Yeah I'll agree this time. We can't do anything the zombies won't stop coming" She says while throwing her daggers into a werewolves neck and cutting the head off. I gripped my hand, my eyes changed to a very dark red and very dark black line going down in the middle of the eye. The giant swings his club at me and I punch it to block the attack but the forces completely broke the club into nothing, the shock way made the tress behind the giant break down to the ground. I quickly punch the giants legs so that it goes on his knees, quickly without the giant reacting quick enough grabbed my sword, pushing it down through giant cutting it in half and then cutting off it head.

The corpses started to turn to dust along with the giant. I put my sword away back into it holster and my eyes change back to normal. I turned towards Courtney and Iestyn looking at me because of what I done and I wave with a smirk "Ready to go" I said before walking I notice a piece giant corpse that had the seal on it that didn't fade away. I got a piece off rope, tied it and put it on the side of my bag. While I was doing this Courtney and Iestyn walk over to me and I turn towards them. "Anyone know someone who can do magic?" I said and rubbed my head. Courtney and Iestyn looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "We may know one he not that far from here but answer our questions first" She said. "Sure on the way though" I said, Courtney said while walking the way we needed to go, Iestyn shoulder my arm before following her, I sighed and just followed them.

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