Chapter 35

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Ben point of view, one month later

We keep running through the dead forest with no life in site. "Why did you have to pick up that flower Ben!?" Iestyn shouts at me while running. He's running next to Courtney, Tayanne is by my side while Rhys is in the front of us. 

"It's not my fault. The flower was new and looked interesting. I didn't realises that it was attached to a giant worm creature" I explain to them and keep running. I look back seeing the creature that is chasing us. It's some sort of giant worm, it's almost 300 to 400 feet long and has plenty of teeth to go along with it. It's mouth was half in the ground and half above the surface, it's mouth was circle like but with two layers for big teeth and even bigger teeth. The dam thing almost has five hundred teeth just in one of the layers. 

It has three giant bended spikes coming from the sides of it's mouth. It properly has more underneath but we don't want to find out. I accidently took it's flower from it's head which has pissed it right off. We tried using magic against it but it's skin is to hard for our magic to work on it. 

"So anyone got a plan for getting us out of this situation?" Courtney asked us. Thiers not a lot we can do while getting chased down by something so big. "Just keep running. Theirs a canyon up ahead which we can try and jump to the other side" Rhys tells us. "Wait what do you mean try and jump?" I ask, He looks back at me and smirks. "Iestyn turn into your werewolf form and grab Ben. He won't be able to make the jump since he's only a wizard" He tells him while turning his head to look forward. 

I don't like this plan what does he mean I won't make the jump?. Iestyn nodes and quickly changes form, grabbing me and putting me over his shoulder. I'm facing the worm and it's slowly getting closer. "Umm it's getting closer!" I tell them and the worm starts to roar. "Just run on ahead I've got to make it fall into the canyon" Rhys says and stops, falling very behind almost falling into the worms mouth. 

We keep running and make it out of the dead forest and see the canyon up ahead. The other side has a grass field with some trees separated from each other. "Can you see the canyon?" I ask the three of them. "Yeah and can see why he wanted me to change forms for this" Iestyn says. I'm holding onto my glasses so they don't fall off. "He can't be serious?" Tayanne says and sighs. "We don't have a chose really just jump!" Courtney tells them.

I quickly hold onto my glasses and hat tight to make sure they don't fall off. They jump off the canyon, the drop is a mile down with a very thick fog at the bottom. You can't even see the ground because of how thick it is. "Fuck" Iestyn said, punching his hand into the other canyons wall to not fall. Courtney used her daggers and Tayanne made a fire plate form for her to stand on. I look around seeing that this canyon goes on forever from both sides. We are only a couple of feet from the top. The distance to us and the other canyon must have been at least over thousand feet long.  

"That was close" Tayanne mutters and looks down at the fog. "I'm not the only one who can't see the bottom right?" I ask them. "No your not. How deep does this go?" Courtney asked us. We hear an explosion coming from the other side of the canyon. Rhys comes falling towards us with his sword out. He stabs it into the wall next to me and Iestyn. The worm starts to fall from the other side, roaring loudly as it falls into the fog, a loud bang comes from the fog. It sounded like it broke the ground by how loud it was. 

"See plan worked out" Rhys said with a smirk. He puts his sword back into it's holster and grabs onto the rocks sticking out of the wall. "How was that a plan that could have killed us?" Tayanne tells him. He doesn't answers her and starts to climb the wall. "So what's at the bottom?" Iestyn asked him. He stops and looks at all of us.

Noises from the worm start coming from the fog as if it's in pain. Their are clicking and screeching noises also coming from the fog. "You don't want to know" He says and keeps climbing. I can feel Iestyn shiver a little and slowly started to climb the wall. Tayanne uses her fire plate form to rise herself up, Courtney puts her daggers away and starts climbing the wall too. 

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