Chapter 28

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Courtney point of view

I don't know why part of me is annoyed as all hell that it him but yet again it could have been no one. "How did you get in here!?" Eariuffi grips onto his sword tightly, his face starts to sweat and his heart rate is going nuts. Whatever Rhys did has taken him by surprise. "I came from your ceiling. To be honest I was meant to land on my feet but I kinda got pushed" Rhys rubs his head chuckling to himself. 

I stand up and slowly walk towards Rhys. "Why are you here? Aren't you meant to be in prison" I ask him and turn around looking at Eariuffi. "Got board. Your welcome for the dagger and Iestyn threaten me stop Eariuffi from doing anything to you" He smirks looking at Eariuffi to see how scared he looks. My heart felt lighter hearing that Iestyn was worried about me and wanting to make sure I was okay. "Yes. We'll lucky you showed up at the right time he was trying to umm" I completely forgot, I move the straps that were down and put them back onto my shoulders. 

"Right I see. Iestyn wouldn't be to happy" He says and puts his hands into his pockets. "So Eariuffi want to explain what you was doing to me?" I folded my arms hiding my chest half. He looks like a scared puppy. "Guards help!!! Theirs an attacker!" He cries out for the guards and they storm into the room. Ten of them points their spears at Rhys. "Are you harmed Eariuffi!" A guard goes to Eariuffi. "Yes I'm fine. The mortal escaped from prison and was about to attack me while me and Courtney was talking" He holds the sword tight and moving it down pointing towards the floor. 

So he tried to ..., he was scared to bits and now acting like a coward and liar. I grip my hands tight to the point my hands are bleeding. "Lady Courtney" Rhys goes on his knee, puts his arm against his chest and bowing his head. "W-what is it?" I turn towards him, keeping my arms folded and gripping my hands tightly. 

A cold air runs over my shoulders, I feel something odd coming from somewhere. "Would you like to kill Eariuffi?" He says with a calm tone. Why is he asking me this now right in front of him and his guards. "You little fuck!? Don't threaten Eariuffi!" A guard was about to strike at Rhys with his spear. 

However Rhys caught the spears head with two fingers like her caught the dagger back when we first meet. "Excuse me but I'm trying to ask lady Courtney a question so if you don't mind" He stands up while holding onto the spears head, the smirk on his face is cold and dark. He snaps the spears head like it was nothing just with his two fingers. The guards move back in fear. "Wait no mortal has the strength to break a spear with their fingers" The guard next to Eariuffi said and fell to his knees in fear. 

"What the hell are you? Your not mortal are you!!!" Eariuffi is shaking so much his going to drop the sword in his hand. This is not like Rhys at all but Is this what he's always like or is he playing along. "I'll say it again would you like to kill Eariuffi?" He looks at me and noticing that his eye patch is not on but his eye is closed. "Are you nuts!!!? We can't just kill them. This is not like fighting monsters. We are guest here and If we start anything it could mean war!!!" I shout at him and gripping my hands even more. Something is wrong here. I don't feel right. Rhys chuckles to himself while the guards and Eariuffi are sitting still.

"Lady Courtney what was Eariuffi about to do to you?" His voice was cold and going even darker. His smirk goes even bigger. He's toying with me now isn't he but If he didn't show up then what would have happened?. My head wonders for a moment and my heart starts to pond against my chest. "He could have raped you, he could have sexual assaulted you. Your cries out for help for anyone would never happen. Would you like to know why? That glass off blood he made you was actually cursed. You was paralyzed just by smelling it" He walks over to were Eariuffi dropped the glass and runs his fingers over the blood. 

My heart ponded even faster, my body begins to feel warm and my hands start to shake. "And what worse is that the guards in this very room would have let it happen" He flicks the blood at Eariuffi and lands on his cloths. "How would yo-" Eariuffi was going to give away his plan then. 

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