Chapter 18

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Rhys point of view back to present. One day goon by.

We kept on the path towards the village. It almost night so we need to get their quickly. Courtney, Ben, Iestyn and Tayanne kept talking to each other while we are walking but I stayed quite wondering on what to do. We have no way of beating Revan, he has my sword so in truth he could straight up kill me and we don't have any idea on what he is planning. 

I sighed while rubbing my head but I touching my left eye while moving my hand noticing I put the eye patch on. "We are here" Courtney said to me. I lift my head seeing the village. The village of greenwood. It looks like a normal everyday village but I have a odd feeling that something will go wrong. 

"Quite place" Ben said to us. Their was an old sign saying greenwood, their are torches on the buildings and ones heading into the village. "Where do we start?" Tayanne asked us, that question is simple. "The closet inn of course" I told them and started heading into the village. They shrugged their shoulders and followed me.

As we were about to go into the inn two children showed up. "Mister are you looking for something" Child one said. "Something, someone or anything" Child two said. They look in their ten or eleven years. They look the same short, normal ripped shirts and shorts, same black and small hair but their child one has a bit of blood on it but the other doesn't. 

"Nothing that kids can help us with" Iestyn tells them while raising his fits. The two of them move back and look at us while poking their tongue out. "Even if" Child two says, "It helps with Revan" Child one says while clapping.

"What you on about!?" Iestyn grabs child on and shakes him. "How do you know that?" He keeps shaking him, the second child giggles while the other one gets shake by Iestyn and laughing. "Iestyn put him down!" Courtney tells him and hits his shoulder. "But they shouldn't have known that" Iestyn says while dropping the child and facing us. 

I use my demon eye to check what these children are, they seem to be Namida. "Iestyn leave them alone" I told him. "Why shouldn't we get ride of them" He asked me, I sighed and moved him to the side to walk to the children and go on one knee by them. "Their Namida" I told them, ben hits his own head and then Iestyn. "What a Namida?" Tayanne asked Ben. "Basically their ghost that like to take over children's body's. While eating them from the inside until theirs nothing left. Sadly we can't do anything for them" Ben tells Tayanne while looking at the children. "Oh right" Tayanne says to her self.

"What do you actually know" I asked them while the children spin around in a circle. "We know your looking for a way to beat Revan" child one said, "But you can't find anything to help you" The second child said. "But we know something that can help" Both of them said while clapping hands together.     

"Right so that is?" Courtney asked them and they smirked at us weirdly. "A necklace that can let you control your power" They said while looking at me. Do they actually know about the void. They could be lying but seems that their already dead their nothing they would gain from telling the truth or lying. 

"Right do you know where it is" I asked them and got up of my knee. "We could help you but you must do a test though" Namida two said "The maze the maze the maze!" Namida one shouts out. They want us to do a maze seems easy enough. "Fine" Iestyn says for us and then the children cheered. "This will be fun!" They both said and run towards a shrine. 

"Iestyn what are you doing?" Courtney asked him. "What a simple maze. How hard can that be" He says while walking the way the Namidas went. Ben and Courtney followed him, I was about to but notice Tayanne not following. "What wrong?" I asked her, she keeps looking at every direction. "C-can't you see that?" She asked me and goes towards me. I looked around with my demon eye but when I tried to see something it disappeared in a second. "I know just stay quite about it for a bit" I told her, she nodded and started to follow the others.   

At the end of the village their was a shrine for a monster we haven't seen before. "This is the place" The both Namidas said. It was a small shrine in front of a rock with only the small candles on it that shows light. The rest of the area is in darkest with the full moon bright in the sky. "It just a shrine" Ben asked them and they both sighed. "Big glasses meany it not just a shrine" Namida two said while Namida one kicks the ground in front of the shrine to open up a stairs going down into the ground. "This is not creepy at all" Courtney said out loud. The two Namida laugh and run down the stairs. 

We got in a small circle and wondered what we should do. "Should we really do this?" Tayanne asked us, "We don't have any chose" Ben says to her, "We'll we could find another way though" Courtney says to us. "Like what? It could be weeks or months before we find something else to help us with Revan" Iestyn says to us. I wonder for a second about doing this. "What should we do Rhys?" Tayanne asked me. I'm trying to think why they would be helping, also the fact on what me and Tayanne saw earlier. "We will play along and see if what they are saying is true. If this can help me control my power then we will have to go through with it" I told them and walk down the stairs. The four of them looked at each other and went down with me. 

When we got to the bottom it was just like cave but with two doors. The rocks around us have a light red colour but have blood stains on them. "Nice place" I said to them and waited for the others. The other four got to me and then looked around. "Odd place but what's with the doors? This is not a maze" Iestyn says and folds his arms. "Let us example you hairy wolf"  Namida one said. Iestyn got angry but Courtney was able to calm him down. 

"Their is one maze. But the two doors " Namida two said. "Wait but if their two doors wouldn't that mean their different mazes" Tayanne asked them. "Their the same maze but a lot different" Namida one said to Tayanne. We look at them confused. "If you go in door one or two their the same maze but the layout and hehe monsters are different" Namida two giggled. Their something odd here. "You never said anything about being monsters in the maze!" Ben said to them and he raises his fits. They both giggle to each other. "Yes but that take all the fun out of it" They both said and giggled. 

"But why two?" Courtney asked them. The Namida looked at each other smirking and then us. "Boys in one and girls in the other" They both said to us. "Wait!!! So to do this it would be three in one and two in the other. That's fucking crazy. We don't know what in their. What else aren't you telling us" Iestyn asked them while getting more angry. 

"Stop getting so angry you grumpy wolf" Namida one says to Iestyn and pissing him off even more. "Rules" I asked them and Iestyn turns towards me. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He asked me while punching the cave wall by me. "You, glasses and grumpy goes in first. You can use anything but no items" Namida one says, "The two girls will go next in the other door but they have the same rules but they can't use magic but they can use items. Namida two said. "And when their done you will go again but do it with the girls rules and get your reward" They both told us and open the first door.

"Their strange rules" Tayanne wondered. "Are we seriously going along with this?" Ben asked us. I rubbed my head, goes under Iestyn arm and walk towards the door. "You better not be lying" I told the Namidas. "Don't worry we wouldn't lie" They both said and giggled. 

I turned to Courtney and Tayanne. "You going to be alright with this?" I asked them, "I should be fine I have my daggers" Courtney told me. "I can use my black flames as extra strength if I need to so yes" Tayanne said. I looked at the entrance and it pitch black. "Ready you two?" I asked ben and Iestyn. Ben nodes and goes by me. "Your crazy but fine" Iestyn says out loud and   stands on my other side. "Be careful" Courtney told us. "We don't know what they'll throw at us so don't rush" Tayanne also told us. "We'll be fine" I said and the three of us walk into the first maze and the door closes behind us. 


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