Chapter 5

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5 days goon by 

We have gotten to the mountings to were the place is that ben find out were the dark magic was coming from. It was a very quite journey getting here after telling them what I am. Ben wanted to know more about my kind for research but Iestyn and Courtney wouldn't talk to me for the five days. 

5 days ago back at bens house

"So your telling us your a demon?" Iestyn ask while gripping his hands. "Pretty much" I replied to his question and leaned against the wall by the door. "This is incredible! I've heared remours about your kind but actually seeing one is fasernating this journey will be intresting" Ben said with exsitment and went to grab more of his things, leaving the room with only Courtney, me and iestyn in the room. "You should have told us from the start! For all we know you could be the enemy" Iestyn shouted, hit bens table, his had starts to change leaving a punched hole through the table. "Jesus angry much and no one likes that table for some reason. Look I don't tell anyone what I am that not your problem and to be honest you don't have the right to know" I said and rubs my face. Iestyn wolf side starts to come out with him growing but Courtney puts her hand on his shoulder what makes him calm down. "Lets just get Tayanne and be done with this" She says and storms out with Iestyn following her. I sighed and notice ben looking at me with a book and a pen in his hand "Do you mind if i take note when asking you questions?" Ben asked "Don't take notes" I said and left the house. Ben writes things down in his book, tells squidward what we are doing, takes the giant skin and leaves his home. 

Back the presnet day    

Up on the mountings the area is dark and foggy. Ben is up in front following the ball of light that is showing the way and showing us were to go while Iestyn and Courtney are at the back. They seem to be drinking stuff from glasses like something to help courtney with blood problems and Iestyn to control him self. 

"I think we are here" ben says while looking towards something. The three of us get to him and look at a very old ruins, the ball of light goes into the middle showing every part of the ruins for us. We slowly walk into the ruins and hear a loud crack "Fuck" ben said,  the floor gives way and we start to fall. 

We start falling pretty fast "Ben do something!!!" Iestyn shouts to him "Hang on" Ben says while quickly grabbing his staff and makes a bunch of pillows to appear on the floor enough to fill a hole house to break our fall. We landed on them, start slowly rolling down them and land on our feet. Wiping the dust of us and checking if we lost anything "Very odd spell but I'll give it to you it worked" I said to ben while he's pushes his glasses back to normal on his face "I do try my best" He says with a smile. 

The pillows disappear, we start looking around and look up to were we fell. "That was a big fall" Courtney says while cheeking the area. Their were lots off pillars around the area that have touches on them but half the room is still pitch black. "Any idea on were we are" Iestyn ask ben "I believe we are deeper in the ruins" he replied while trying to get a ball of light to appear "Ben don't do that for a minute" I said to him and gripped my hand "Why?" he asked and holding his staff to get ready to make a ball of light "We are being watched" I told him and got my sword out, Courtney got her daggers out and Iestyn went into half werewolf form. 

We got ready and then someone slowly starts coming out of the dark a women with blonde hair,  dark cloths but almost rip to pieces and they keep mending themselves and unamending, she has very very dark red eyes and almost lifeless with very bale skin that almost white. "It's Tayanne!" She says and was going to run to her but I grab her arm "Let me go!!! It her she right their" She says while trying to force my grip off her, I throw her to Iestyn "Look at her properly with your vampire eyes" I said to her with a angry tone and got ready. Iestyn stand Courtney back on her feet and she change her eyes that went a light red with a dark line in the middle. She sees a lot off corpse behind Tayanne almost a army full of soldiers. "What happened to her?" Courtney says and Iestyn stands in front of her "Whatever it is it not Tayanne" Iestyn says and growl. Tayanne tilts her head to the side almost breaking it, laughs and puts her hands in front of her making the army of corpse run at us. "Their to many split up!!" I shouted, me and Courtney went left while Iestyn and Ben went right. 

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