Chapter 7

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It's morning and Jin wakes up because of an early appointment with Ken. JK is still asleep and Jin whispers in his ear, "I love you Jungkook-ah." JK opens his eyes and Jin smiles at him. "I have a doctor's appointment with Ken this morning. You are welcome to come if you want to."  "I'm fine, just call me when you finish. I'm too exhausted to do anything." JK positions himself comfortably in his bed. "What about your charity organization meeting? Jin asks JK. "Right. But how did you, never mind." JK knows he doesn't need to ask. Jin hits JK's ass playfully and kisses the scar on JK's face. He leaves. JK goes back to sleep and is awaken by his monitor announcing,  "Mr. Jeon you have a 9am appointment with your charity organization."

He looks at the clock and it is 8am. He gets up and goes into the restroom. He notices all the passion marks on his body from Jin. Jin even covered his scars with marks. He looks at his neck area and the passion marks are more noticeable in that area. "I want to dress down but a dress shirt with a collar will have to do." JK mumbles to himself, then he laughs and says "Jin" while shaking his head.

JK arrives at his meeting. "Mr. Jeon. Quite a night?" His chairwoman said noticing marks on his neck area that he tried to cover. "Very." JK laughs. "How is Mr. Kim?" "He is fine. Thanks for asking." JK replies and walks further into the meeting area where the other board members are, they snicker at his attempt to cover his love marks. Since they are more like family than associates, it turns into a lighthearted banter. They wrap up the meeting and JK leaves for his office. This is his first time being back in his office since the incident with Tayo. He is greeted with a heartwarming welcome from his staff. He bows, thank them, and goes to his office. He starts working. His assistant knocks on his door with a young man standing beside the assistant.

"Mr. Jeon, this is Kane Daniel, an intern from Autumn University of Business. You spoke with his college over the phone." "Yes. Welcome to Jeon Corporation. I hope everyone has been treating you well?" "Yes sir. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to intern for such a prestigious business organization." Daniel bows. "You are welcome. We should do lunch to get to know each other. I hope you are not already too busy to join me?" The assistant clears her throat. "Actually Mr. Jeon, he will be interning for you." "Well great. I guess you will be joining me for lunch then." "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Jeon." Daniel nervously bows again. "No problem. Now, if you will assist My lovely assistant here with getting me the files on Edwards Trust Bank, I would gladly appreciate it."   "I'm on it Sir."  Daniel bows backing out of the office.

Daniel gets outside the office and lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Meeting Mr. Jeon, CEO of Jeon Corporation, made him nervous. He assisted with retrieving the Edwards Trust Bank account files and delivered them to JK. He and JK goes over the file together and he is in awe of the way JK didn't have to actually read the pages in order to understand the gut of the proposal. "Daniel, please phone Jun Edward and set up a meeting for next week. Any time will be okay." "Sure Mr. Jeon. I'm on it." JK smiles to himself because Daniel reminds him of his younger self as an intern, nervous but very in control.

Its 1pm, Daniel and JK are sitting in a restaurant that JK frequently visit.  "So, tell me about yourself Daniel."   "I'm 19, and currently attending Autumn University of Business. I reside with my mother, who is a Telecommunication expert for law enforcement." Daniel exhales deeply without being aware of it. "Your father?"   "I'm not privy to such information. I'm told He might as well, except for the contribution he made for me, have never existed."  "Okay. Sorry for that." JK says wishing he had never asked. "No. It is better that way. I'm 19. What more can his existence aid or teach me." Daniel turns his water glass in his hand. "Well I can say, you're on the right path."  "Thanks. It's been rough but I'm very focus."  "Let's hope you are. Let's eat. Order what you will. Lunch for interns is on Jeon Corporation. Which is me. Daniel looks at JK and smiles. "Thanks for easing my nervousness."   "Don't be nervous. I promise you I'm not that intimidating."   "Yes Sir."

They order and eat lunch, talk some more about Daniel's goals as an intern. They arrive back to the office and Daniel work hours are over. He organizes his desk, then stops by JK's office to thank him for lunch and for hiring him as an intern. "Mr. Jeon, I will see you Friday."  "You're leaving Daniel?"     "Yes sir, the University has allotted only so many hours."   "Of course. Well Friday it is. Enjoy your day."   "Same to you sir. Thank you again for lunch and for allowing me to intern here." JK nods to him and Daniel leaves.

Daniel had developed a crush on JK some time ago. He had seen many pictures of JK in journals he used in his business class at the university. He became mesmerized by JK. When the opportunity came for him to apply for a business internship, he applied for an internship at Kim Conglomerate, Will Yung Corporation, and Jeon Corporation, hoping to get picked for Jeon Corporation. He was required to put in several applications and he was picked for Will Yung Corporation and his roommate was picked for Jeon Corporation. His roommate had asserted that he always wanted to work for Will Yung Corporation.  With that knowledge, Daniel talked his roommate into joining him in going to the academic department to request for an exchange in their internship. When it was okay'd, Daniel was so happy that he would now be working for the guy he has the hugest crush on, Jeon Jungkook. But of course, he had noticed the passion marks on JK. The marks did not deter the crush he had for JK, it only made him wonder about who could possibly be his competition.

JK finishes up work and as he is in the car heading home, his phone rings. He smiles because it is Jin. "Your first day back at work, it was unexpected but how did it go?"   "It went well. I now have an ambitious intern."  "Yes, Kane Daniel."   "I should've known, you already knew."   "You are my priority Jungkook-ah.  And, just so you know, rumor has it among other interns that the intern has a crush on the Mr. Jeon Jungkook."  JK felt uncomfortable.  "I'll see that he gets a transfer." JK says out of concern. "Are you plan on engaging him?" Jin asks. "No." JK replies thinking about Daniel being a kid. "It's a teenage crush. He's only there for 6weeks. He'll get over it soon. So, no need to transfer him." Jin suggests to JK.

"How did your appointment go?" JK asks Jin.  "As usual, very well. I have golfing scheduled with Ken this evening." Jin states in an unsure manner. "Are you asking me for permission?" JK teases Jin. "Yes. If I need to be." "Of course not. Enjoy your evening. Call me when you settle in for the night."  "Love you Jungkook-ah. Thanks for last night. I really enjoyed us."  "I enjoyed us too. I love you Jin." JK ends the phone call and walks into his psychiatrist office.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm Ms. Park Yum, your psychiatrist. Have a seat over here." "Thanks." JK bows. "We will start today with the basics. Shall we begin?" "Yes." JK settles where the psychiatrist had directed. "JK, tell me about your childhood?" JK answers the question with no unusual recounting of anything but a happy childhood. The psychiatrist asks a series of questions with JK answering them with little or no difficulty. The therapy session lasts about an hour and a half and with it being over, JK is a little relieved that the process had started. JK leaves the psychiatrist office and goes home, showers, and relaxes while watching a movie. His phone rings and it is Lisa.

"Isa." JK smiles into the phone. "Hey big head, how did the first session go?"  "You know just the basics but other than that I feel a little at ease that the process has started."   "I'm happy to hear that. I know this is not something you want to do but I'm glad for your sake that you made the step. I love you. You know that right?"   "Yes Isa, I do. Thanks for everything you do. I really appreciate it. I love you too."   "Okay big head, I have to prepare dinner." Before Lisa could get off of the phone her twins jumping up and down asks Lisa, "Mommy can we talk to Uncle JK?"    "Yes of course, put my guys on. I miss them." JK answers for Lisa. "Hey Uncle JK." Soobin and Yeonjun said in unison with the speaker phone turned on.   "Hey. How have my mighty warriors been?"  "We been good, and our mom is having a baby again. Yeonjun want a sister and I want another brother."  Soobin tells their Uncle JK. "Well I hope you get what you want."   "What do you want uncle JK?" Soobin asks. "Since I have you princes, I think we need a princess or maybe two." JK laughs. "By uncle JK. We have to pick up our toys. Daddy is mad." "Well let's make him happy. Pick up all your toys. Okay."  "Okay. We love you Uncle JK."  "Love the both of you too."

The call ends and JK smiles and thinks to himself, 'They are the most adorable twins.' He watches TV some more and dozes off on the sofa. He wakes up and it is 10pm. He looks at his phone. He is about to put it down and it rings. 


Thanks for your continued support.  Have a prosperous day -- your mind, body, and soul.   Stay safe and take in the wonders of nature whenever you are given a chance.     

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