Chapter 21

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On the ride to the Airport, Jin is thinking about JK.  He wants to tell Caso to turn around, but he knows this is something he must do. He phones the Chief to make sure security is in place for JK. He arrives at the airport and meets Yoongi. They board Jin's jet and is on their way to the States. They go over the documents Jessi gave Jin.

Jin start reading a conversation in the documents where JK and Bogum are expressively talking about having sex. His heart hurts but he immediately refocus. After Bogum's and JK's conversation ends, the document shows that Bogum phones Blake Smith about a payoff for sending his wife, Jessi, to meet him in the States. Jin remembers what Jessi told him about the business trip been a set-up to get rid of her.

"Jin, you should read this." Yoongi shows Jin a transcript and Jin reads the transcript about Blake going after Jin 's Conglomerate and investors. Jin sighs. "There are so many layers to this Blake guy. It's hard to pick where to start." He notices some photos in the envelope and looks at them. The photos are pictures of Tayo with JK. He looks at the pictures. Jin slaps the papers down on the table and rubs his forehead. Yoongi looks up and sees Jin being distraught.  

"Jin. I'm sorry." "No. Yoongi, I'm fine. Hand me that folder." Yoongi hands Jin the folder and Jin reads more transcripts on Bogum's and JK's conversations. He marks three different phone numbers. "Someone was on the phone with them. Yoongi number 324, flag it"  "Done." Yoongi tells Jin.  Jin notices another photo and this one stands out to him. The photo shows JK nude and tied up body with blood on his face. Jin notices JK's head is not facing the window like in the other photos but facing his bedroom door.

"Yoongi you see this?" Jin covers JK's nude body with a piece of paper before showing Yoongi the photo. "Somebody else was in that room." Jin and Yoongi look at all the photos again, flag the different angles, and conclude that someone either set a camera up, or a second person was in JK's penthouse unnoticed by him. They finally land in LA at 11pm.  He immediately phones JK.

"You made it?"  "Just landed."  "Yes, and by the way Jin, thanks for telling me I have secret servicemen."    "I'm sorry baby. You know I'm very protective of you."    "Well, I have to go. I have a business meeting to prepare for. Get some rest and call me when you wake up.  Love you." "Love you too Jungkook-ah." Afterward, Jin immediately phones the Chief and tells him about his findings and ask him to search JK's old penthouse for cameras.  He encrypts the photos and sends them to the Chief.

Jin and Yoongi arrive at their hotel and eat a late dinner. After they finish, they go to their separate suite. Jin showers and put on warm clothes. The bloody photos of JK flashes in his mind. He tries to block them out by turning on the television and eventually ends up falling asleep. He wakes up at 5am and JK is on his mind so he phones him. "I know you're sleeping baby. I just wanted to hear your voice."   "It's okay Jin. I miss you too."   "how was your day?"    "Fine. but your bed is lonely without you."   "Is it you or the bed that is lonely without me?"  "Me." JK laughs. "Did you eat today?"   "I was too busy, but I didn't have an appetite anyway. Can I go back to sleep?"  "Yes, my life. Good Night. I love you."  "My Everything. I love you too."

Jin meets Yoongi for breakfast before they initiate their plan. Yoongi phones his trusted connections and afterward, Jin goes to Blake Smith's Office. Blake's secretary informs him that he had a visitor, a Mr. Kim from South Korea. Blake is curious and tells the secretary to escort him into the office. "Mr. Kim." Blake acknowledges Jin's presence. "And, I'm Mr. Blake Smith but of course you are aware of that having come all the way from South Korea just to see me. How may I assist you?" Blake gesture for Jin to have a seat in which Jin declines. "Mr. Will Yung, your boss, please tell him I'm here." Jin says with a stoic facial expression then turns and walks out of Blake's office.  Blake hits his desk with his fist and picks up his phone and dials a certain number.

"Blake, why are you calling me on my personal line?"   "Will, who is Mr. Kim?  He wants you to know that he is here, and why should you care that he is here?"  "Did he say anything else?"  "No. just walked out my office. Who is he?" Blake asks again   "With him being there, our worst nightmare."  Will Yung disconnects their conversation. With Will Yung having said what he said, Blake sits back and looks at the door Jin just walked out of and bites his nails.

Yoongi goes to the FBI headquarters. The Director of the California field office, Mr. Garcetti,  is hanging up his phone as Yoongi enters his office. "Mr. Yoongi come in and have a seat. I was expecting you."   "Good news travel fast." Yoongi says with both knowing that there is a double meaning to the statement. "Of course Mr. Yoongi, the renowned private investigator. You traveled all the way from South Korea, and I'm not sure why, but I'm sure with us meeting like this, you will tell me."   "I'm here to bring you down."  Yoongi says without pausing. "Me?" Is this a joke?" Garcetti laughs. "I can see that we see humor differently." Yoongi smirks and places a photo on the desk that shows Garcetti in South Korea with Blake and Will Yung. "Why aren't you laughing now?" Yoongi laughs then turns and walks out of Garcetti's office. Garcetti watches as Yoongi exits the building, and as Yoongi goes to his car.  Garcetti picks up his phone and calls Will Yung.

Will Yung, having already received an alarming call, is more disturbed when Garcetti tells him that he had a visitor regarding the three. "What exactly did he say?"    "It's not anything he said, but he gave me a photo. "It's a photo of you, Blake, and me talking in your office. How in the hell was someone able to get that photo?" The answer brings Will Yung discomfort that something out of his control is imminent. "I'm having my office swept for bugs and every worker reexamined. I suggest you do the same."   "Then what? How are we to proceed with this threat?"   "Let me worry about that." Will Yung states trying to infuse confidence into the conversation." The phone call ends and Will Yung makes a phone call.   Jin and Yoongi meets back up to further discuss the second phases in their plan.

 A week has passed, Jin and Yoongi make their move again. Jin arrives at a private meeting Blake is having with the big banks. He walks in and catches everyone's attention. Some already know who he is along with his status. They stand and greets him although bewildered as to why he barged into a private meeting. Blake watches from the front table.

"Mr. Kim, I'm not sure how you made it pass security, but you are aware this is a private meeting?"    "Mr. Smith, if I made it pass your security, me interrupting your private meeting should be your least concern. Now, since this meeting is of a private matter, and we are all here Mr. Smith, maybe we should start with your private thoughts."

"Mr. Kim, I'm not sure where this is going but I'm sure Mr. Sayho here, one of your co-investors, will not take kind to being associated with your insinuations." Blake smirks. "Mr. Sayho is of no concern to me as far as being an investor" Jin turns to Mr. Sayho and bows. "At this point Mr. Sayho, you should probably call your office." Mr. Sayho looks at Jin then Blake. He then looks down at his pone and walks out. The rest that are left in the room are more interested in where everything is leading than the fact that Jin interrupted a private meeting.

Jin turns back to Blake. "Now shall we continue. Share with us your private thoughts on Mr. Basel." Jin now turns to Mr. Basel.    "What is he talking about Blake?" Mr. Basel, who was seated and now standing, questions Blake. Blake looks at Jin and at Mr. Basel. "He is not talking about anything and has nothing, he is just fucking with us." Jin slides a folder to Mr. Basel while looking at Blake. Mr. Basel opens the folder, looks at the content, then looks at Jin in astonishment. "Your source?" Mr. Basel asks with concern in his voice. Jin looks at Blake and Mr. Basel. He slides a folder to Blake that is titled Foreign Wired Bank Fraud/Embezzlement.  Mr. Basel screams, "If I go down for this, I swear I'm taking you to hell with me." Mr. Basel walks out fuming.

"Listen Mr. Kim or whoever the fuck you think you are, I don't know where you got this from, but you are writing your own death warrant." Jin smirks with no variation in his demeanor. "Is this threat undersigned by Mr. Will Yung?"  Jin states as Blake looks at him and then at the men in the room who are now looking at him.  Blake shouts out loud,  "Meeting is adjourned." Only a few of the men leaves. "Why are the rest of you still here? Get the fuck out."

The men look at Jin. "You see, not all of these men here are bankers. Some are FBI agents, courtesy of Mr. Min Yoongi." The agents stand and move toward Blake. "Mr. Smith, fix your tie, you want to look good for the cameras." Jin advises Blake, then walks to the door, opens it, and the media with their cameras flashing, barge in.



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