Chapter 26

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"I believe you Jin. You said something happened, then something happened." JK walks over to Jin and looks him in the eyes. "I'm still in love with you. Don' t blame yourself for what happened to you. It's not your fault. You are still Jin, my everything." Jin wants to touch JK's face but isn't sure. He raises his hand toward JK's face then put it back down. JK grabs Jin's hands and gently placed them on his face. Jin rubs the scar on JK's face.

"Thank you, Jungkook-ah, for believing me and believing in me. I love you so much."   "I know Jin." JK kisses Jin. It leads to them passionately kissing. Afterwards, they lie in their spoon position. "I stated it before, I still love you Jin."    "I love you too Jungkook-ah, always." Jin is so overwhelmed at having JK back in his life, and with the overwhelming feeling, a fear loom. The fear in making love to JK again. Although he believes what happened was out of his control, he still feels the guilt of it. Jin buries his face in JK's neck. He falls asleep. Jin breathing on JK's neck, soothes JK, and lures him to sleep. 

Jin's phone rings, waking him up. He smiles when he sees that JK is still there asleep. He answers his phone. "Yoongi."   "I know it's early." Jin glances at the clock its 6am. "It's fine. It's not early actually."    "I'll have to lay low on Ken for a week. I have to close out the case we worked on in the States. I will still update you if anything worthy crosses the radar, but for now I can't pursue leads full-time."    "Okay. Thanks for letting me know Yoongi."   "No problem, bye."

JK turns over in the bed, still asleep. Jin kisses the scar on JK's face. Jin smiles and lies down so that his face is facing JK. He pecks JK on the lips and whispers, "My Life."  A half asleep JK opens his eyes and see Jin's face and he smiles. JK moves his face closer to Jin's face, places his hand on Jin's chest, and goes back to sleep. Jin touches JK's hand on his chest and lifts it up and notices JK is wearing his engagement ring again. He smiles, kisses JK's hand, and goes back to sleep.

Jin wakes up and notices JK is not there. He goes downstairs and sees JK cooking. "Good afternoon Jin."  "Afternoon Jungkook-ah."  They kiss. "I thought you may be hungry."   "I am."    "It's almost finished. Is there anything I can do for you while we wait?" JK looks at Jin and smiles. "You're already doing it."   "Doing what Jin?"   "Being here. You're so handsome JK" JK blushes. "Thank you."    "Do you need some help?"  "Sure. I can use some help."

They both are in the kitchen finishing up lunch. Jin stares at JK while he is setting the table. JK catches him staring and smiles showing his bunny smile. Jin winks at him and they sit down to eat. Jin feeds JK and they talk and laugh. It seems as though nothing had changed between the two. "I have to see my doctor today. So, I will be leaving soon." JK tells Jin. "Will I see you again." Jin doesn't know why a feeling within turned into a verbal question. JK lifts his hands to show his finger with the ring on it.   "I mean, you sort of have too."  "How about dinner?"  "Dinner sounds nice."   "Okay I will see you when you return." JK leaves and goes to his doctor's office. 

 "Mr. Jeon, the doctor will see you now. "Hello, Mr. Jeon. How are you doing?" "I am doing well." "And Mr. Kim?"  "He is well also."   "He came by months ago. I was worried about him. He didn't seem his usual self."   "Came by here?"   "Yeah. I know you both are privileged to each other's record, but he asked for multiple drug test."   "Drug test?"   "When nothing came of it, he became disappointed. It was a weird thing to me. A guy of his stature is hoping for drugs in his system?" "Everything about Jin is interesting." JK says while he is thinking about it all.  "Very interesting." JK's doctor agrees. "Okay. Let's get you examined." After the doctor finishes, they are still in the examining room waiting on the results of JK's bloodwork. They continue talking.

"Do you know of a Dr. Ken?" JK asks. "Dr. Ken?"   "The one that took over for Jin's personal doctor."   "Ah yes, Dr. Ken Kim, recently married, and practicing now in Busan. Strange fellow." JK furrows his eyebrow at Ken's new name. "Strange, how so?"  JK's doctor, who was standing now sits down on a stool.  "Dr. Ken was Will Yung's personal doctor and Will Yung was Dr. Ken's only patient. After Jin's doctor had a stroke, Dr. Ken convinced the Board of Doctors to retire Jin's doctor. He also talked the board into allowing him to take on the doctor's patients, but he never saw them. I ended up with all of those patients, all except Jin. Jin is his only patient. That's why it puzzled me that Jin would ask me to run tests."

A nurse came into the room to inform them that the results of the bloodwork were back. The doctor looks over the results. "Well Mr. Jeon, everything looks good. If you don't have any further questions or concerns, you are free to go in good health." JK bows to the doctor. "Thank you. See you in six months."

JK leaves the doctor's office. All what the doctor told him is playing in his head, especially the name Dr. Ken Kim. He researches the name, Dr. Ken Kim, and finds the same practicing in Busan. "Erin, please redirect to Busan. Erin takes JK to Busan and on the way, JK makes several phone calls and make use of his laptop. They arrive at a big building. JK gets out and walks in. He finds a Dr. Ken Kim office number. When JK approaches the office, Ken is leaving out of it with his colleagues. They run into JK.

"Dr. Ken Kim." JK says with bitterness. Nice to see you again. Ken notices how JK says his name putting the emphasis on Kim. Ken is with his colleagues and tries to act normal. "Mr. Jeon, what brings you here?"   "I came here to see you. I was told if I needed to be drugged and raped, you are the doctor to see?"  "Excuse me?"   Ken looks at his colleagues whose face are in a questioning status. JK goes further. "Is its liquid form or pill form. No, don't tell me, just surprise me." Ken again looks at his colleagues then back at JK. "These are baseless insinuations."  "Baseless, like the undetected drugs you use to sedate someone so that when one claims you drugged them, there is no evidence?"

Ken sees security personnel approaching. "Security can you please remove him from this building." One person in the security detail speaks, "Dr. Ken, I've been informed by Mr. Jeon, the owner of this building, to vacate you from these premises immediately." Ken's colleagues are perplexed. "Ken, this is only the beginning." JK whispers to Ken. "The rest of you gentlemen enjoy your day." JK bows and leaves while the security detail takes Ken back to his office so that he can take only his essentials and vacate the premises.

JK looks at his watch it's 6pm and phones Jin. "Jungkook-ah."  "Jin, I'm 4 hours out from Seoul. I will not be making it for dinner."   "Where are you?"   "Busan. About an hour from where I live." "Okay, you sound tired. Call me when you get settled." They hang up their cell phones. JK makes it home, showers, and lies across his bed in the nude. He phones Jin. "Settled." JK tells Jin. "I been missing you Jungkook-ah and I love you. Get some rest. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jin. JK smiles as he hangs up and snuggles in the bed thinking about Jin.

"The next morning JK wakes up and smells food cooking. He hears Erin talking to someone. He gets dressed and goes downstairs and sees Caso and Erin. "Mr. Jeon, good morning." "Morning Caso." The biggest smile appears on JK's face when he turns the corner and sees Jin. He back hugs Jin and lay his head on Jin's broad back. Jin kisses JK's hands and continue cooking. They all sat and eat breakfast. After breakfast, JK shows Jin around his new penthouse in Busan and they end up in JK's room.


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