Chapter 10

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A few days pass and Jin is back at work. "Good morning Mr. Kim."   Jisoo says as she enters Jin's office.  "Jisoo, why are you here today? Aren't you preparing for your big day tomorrow?"   "I was finishing up some work and I have a favor to ask?"    "Proceed."    "I was going to skip the whole tradition of dads giving their daughters away since my father passed when I was 7, but my fiancé suggested you. Now if you don't want to do it, I understand."   "Jisoo, it would be an honor."   "Thank You. I owe you one."    "Anything for you. I will see you then."   Jin smiles as Jisoo leaves his office. He picks up his phone and calls Yoongi.

"Yoongi."    "Jin. I'm glad you called. I spoke with Mr. Jeon and he no longer wants to go after Mr. Yung."   "Did he state why?"    "Something about moving on and letting the past be."   "Well as for me, I have other reasons for bringing him down. I called to see if you can meet me for dinner and catch me up."    "Sure. Just tell me where and what time."    "Chelle's at 6:00."   "I'm there. See you soon." Jin hangs up the phone with Yoongi.  JK has constantly been on Jin's mind. He leans back in his chair and turns his thoughts to the process of taking down Jimin's father.


JK is at work and he and Daniel are working on a file in his office. "Mr. Jeon, I know the program ends in six weeks but I have requested a transfer."   "A transfer. May I ask why?"   "It's not that I don't like it here. It's just personal reasons."   "Is it a crush that you seem to have for me?"  Daniel is stunned that JK knows about his crush.  Daniel knows that it's best to be up front with JK.    "Honestly, yes. How did you find out?"    "It wasn't hard to notice. But I'm glad you felt the need to transfer."    "Although I knew it was a teenage crush, I should have never acted on it."  "Acted?"    "I asked the academic dean to switch my friend's internship and mine."   "Well. You don't have to leave. We have internships throughout the building. I will just transfer you to a different floor."  Daniel smiles.   "Please, because I really like your company."   "What area are you interested in?" I love mentoring."    "Wait. I might have something for you. I have a charity organization and I do believe we have a mentoring internship. Let me make a call."

JK calls and talks with the chairwoman and hangs up after speaking with her. "We have one spot available and they will be looking for you first thing Tuesday morning. I will call your school and notify them of the change."    "Thank you so much Mr. Jeon. I won't let you down."    "I know you won't but keep in touch and let me know how things are going."   "I will. Thank you for understanding."   "Yep."   JK nods at Daniel. Daniel finishes up and JK has his assistant prepare a small farewell party for Daniel. After the party, JK finishes his work and leaves early for his therapy session.  Afterwards, he goes to Chelle's to meet Lisa, Namjoon, Tae, and Rosé.  With keeping himself so busy, JK barely thinks about Jin.


Jin is heading home to freshen up when Ken calls.  "Jin, you called me earlier but I was with a patient.  Is everything alright?"    "Yeah. I wanted to know if you have plans for tonight?"    "Yes, but it can be rearranged. You need a house call?"   "No. I was going to have dinner with a friend. I booked reservation but something came up and he won't be able to make it. I owe you a drink."   "Yeah you do. So where shall I meet you?"   "Chelle's at 6."    "Okay, I will see you then."   "Thanks. I can really use some company."   "No problem."

Yoongi canceled on Jin because he had an important impromptu briefing with the Prosecutor's Office on a high profile case. He had the documents that he and Jin were going to discuss delivered to Jin instead.

Jin is at Chelle's. He run into Namjoon and Lisa.    "Jin. Nice to see you."    "Same Namjoon."  "Hey Jin."   Lisa says as they embraced.   "Jin, can we meet soon? I want to talk to you about JinKook software." Namjoon asks Jin.    "How about next Friday. Say round 5'ish?"   "Sounds good." Ken arrives and sees Jin conversating with Namjoon and Lisa and walks up to them.  "Lisa and Namjoon, this is my friend and personal doctor Ken.  Ken, this is my business associate Mr. Kim Namjoon and his beautiful wife Mrs. Lisa."  

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