When they see you hurt | Headcannons

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"Oh dear..."
-Tbh, Reiji would feel a little bad he couldnt protect you before it happened..
-Would make a pain killer potion, or pills themselves and give it to you
-Might share more expensive teas with you or read his books out loud for you, this includes funny voices/faces.
-Shu would shrug it off, but if he noticed you still upset/hurt he'd hold you down and place an earbud in your ear.
-He would cuddle you and possibly, just maybe..gently bite you, since vampire bites put humans in euphoria/release endorphins.
-Might try to cheer you up by watching a movie with you, but this is very rare.
-Ayato would laugh, lets be honest lol
-After he realizes you mean your pain, He would try to help but he genuinely doesnt know how to.
-Would carry you with his strength and might share his takoyaki with you along with giving you small forehead kisses.
-He kinda actually enjoyed your pain ngl..
-He doesnt like when you do it to yourself though or earn bruises on your own.
"Oh~? fufu, Bitch-chan/kun getting yourself hurt like that.."
-Hes kinds turned on, I mean he likes being stepped on so this is a no brained ofc
-He doesnt appreciate you getting hurt unless hes involved.
-He would try to help by suggesting lewd activities to clear your mind, but that just doesn't work out..
-So, you end up cuddling, eating chocolate like dweebs.
"Stupid doll, you'll ruin your skin!"
-He contradicts his points a lot, to be fair.
-Complains about the mark(s), but bites you anyway cuz why not?
-After he may try to bittersweetly help you feel better with a tea party, or maybe..just maybe..will let you hold teddy 😳
-Hes still very bitter, so dont let this sweetness go to your head, Y/N.
-Also, he might let you eat his favorite dessert, Raspberry Pudding. But never both teddy and raspberry pudding, hes not a kind boy.
"St-Stupid! Here, take my hand.." He blushes
-Hes so Tsundere about this whole situation.
-He'll hug you tightly while blushing, not really sure what to do, but more sure then Ayato.
-He'll let you help pick roses out before giving them to you anyway.
-He would also try to be more mature in this situation, slightly panicking inside.
Tsukinamis and Kino
Sigh, "Really, Kisama?"
-He doesnt react immediately but sends Shin to help you out. After he might try to share his ham..just maybe though.. 40/100 could fail.
-Doesnt really wanna focus on this, hes a busy man with a job and role to play.So then again, Shin will be your helper here.
-However, deep down he'd feel partially bad..not responsible though, hes Carla Tsukinami, no sympathy here folks.
"HAHA!! Ridiculous, Y/N."
-Tbh, not even deep down does he feel bad..He enjoyed it, he is a Do-s / Extreme Sadist.
-Might send a servant to clean your wound or comfort you.
-He has better things to do such as follow Carla around like a lost puppy looking for its mother or do Founder stuff.
-Later that night he would definitely make sure that the wound/bruise would be covered by his own bruising.
"HAHA!! Okay, it was a LITTLE funny, s/o!"
-He'll help you up with a smirk if he feels like it, or he'll smirk and watch you helplessly get up.
-If you gave him cold shoulder or got upset it'd fuel his ego even more, but he'd also try to share Konpeito and maybe some small snuggles/headpats.
-He might also let you play GTA or COD with him.
"Eh?! Y/n are you okay!? (i love yui-)
-Yui is a sweetheart, so she'd try to bandage you up and comfort you by hugging
-She would probably also share any snack on her with you
-She would also let you hang out on her bed as you two watch a movie so you feel better about everything.
-Genuinely, genuinely wants to care for you in any way possible considering she might like you in this headcannon..?

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