When you have Period Cramps | Headcannons

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• He would probably just stick a earbud in her ear and cuddle with her all day and whisper sweet nothings to her.
• He might send her to Reiji so Reiji can make her medicine, or let her sleep on his bed instead of on the couch with him.
• Reiji would make her medicine or a potion to make her feel better or he'd even get the heat pad for her and let her use it.
• He tries to keep his s/o away from the brothers during this time due to her scent.
• Reiji may give her small head kisses or forehead kisses
• Ayato doesnt really know what to do..
• He mighttt try to buy her pads or tampons only if he has a picture.
• He'll still want to feed from you, but only gently he still loves you despite his oujidere/prince status.
• He loves to cuddle you and hug you tightly while laying down, but for now, he does it gently.
• Would probably suggest oral-
• ok, but for real, he'd be SO down for cuddling! He loves to cuddle and sleep with them more often.
• He might force Kanato to make macaroons so you two can share them together and so the sugar would ease your stomach.
• Lets be honest, he'd be very annoyed by your whining and the fact you cant make him breakfast.
• He might let you hold Teddy on rare period cramp occasions.
• Claims that dolls should not be whiny even though hes quite hypocritical despite him not being a doll.
• He doesnt understand why you can have tea parties with him..
• He constantly cuddles you and becomes 10x more protective 🤍
• He gets a little tsundere ish, but hes willing to go and get you pads/tampons/chocolate.
• He likes to watch movies with you all the time while snuggling together.
Ruki | Mukamis
• He understands you a lot during these times, Hes mature about periods.
• Will give you space and let you sleep despite him not liking lazy people, this is one of the accept-ions.
• Cooks you stew/soup to hopefully make you feel better or slides you chocolate bars.
• "Its a give or take world, M-neko-chan." So he would probably cuddle you, but want your blood in exchange.
• May try to cheer you up by making funny faces or his dances, but sillier.
• Reads his fangirl'a tweets/fan mail and bashes them or makes fun of them to bring you up/make you laugh.
• May asked if you want some pain until he realizes you are suffering from pain.
• Tries to listen and obey your wishes by giving you space, cuddling you, making you food..etc.
• He kinda enjoys your pain- well, only if you do-
• Hes a cinnamon roll so he of course tries to get you the right products or stay on your good side.
• May let you hold one of his knives for fun, hes a lil weird but he tries!
Kino | Extras
• Hes kinda bothered that you arent your usually happy(?) self...
• May offer to play GTA with you or cuddles afterwards
• Enjoys your presence, especially since you smell sweeter even though vampires prefer fresh blood.
• Demands his servants to find you a heating blanket.

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