If they had a younger Sister| Headcannons

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• Shu is totally confused, how many children does Karl have..? And whos her mother?
• Doesnt really know what to do so he probs sends her off to Reiji or Ayato but starts to be sad afterwards.
• He might try and talk to her about her day and interests though and protect her silently.
• New guinea pi- oh shes like 5 years old-
• Hes always philosophical around her and gives her tea often he really enjoys silent company so this should be wholesome.
• He likes how shes obedient, such as how she doesnt make loud sounds or act like Ayato or Laito..
• He doesnt tolerate the bad behavior ofc
• He doesnt know what to think??
• Might share takoyaki with her out of pity since she has no friends really..
• He might send her off to annoy Reiji or Shu for fun or Reiji when he doesnt know what to do with her anymore.
• surprisingly, he enjoys to color with her on rare occasions which is usually bunnies and Ayato's takoyaki.
• Ok, what would these two have in common-
• Uh? Maybe he'd ask her about her day, similar to Shu in a way
• He enjoys her innocence and her child-like behavior that he never had with Cordelia, as in hes almost a little jealous that shes gonna have a good childhood.
• Hes overprotective he doesnt want others dirtying her innocence but they probably dont have much to do? He just steps in to protect and watches and lurks her from afar.
• If hes in a good mood he will share and eat maroons and perhaps raspberry pudding with her if she isnt a bother.
• He rarely does this, but may let her hold Teddy whenever she gets hurt or feels sad
• If he gets to annoyed he'd lash out on her but not to harshly, just yelling and demanding her to leave, no hitting or anything like that.
• Would like to see and would encourage her to bother Ayato for his enjoyment.
• Would invite her to pick Roses with him and teach her how to treat them and care for them properly like how Yuma treats his crops.
• Tries not to punch walls or enforce violence around her, tries to treat her with respect and not get too Tsundere-y with her :)
• Would let her sit with him at the dinner table always
• Overall probably the greatest eldest brother (to her) along with Reiji.
Ruki | Mukamis
• Ruki lovesss children so hes naturally very happy about this.
• Constantly reads books with and to her and cooks special dinners for her sometimes.
• Would love to see her bonding with Kou more often tbh and would also want to bond with her more often.
• He likes to see her all lady-like similar to Reiji's perspective on sacrificial brides, girly or a mature lady so he tears up everytime he sees her all pink and fancy.
• She may not be in any music videos, as he wants her to be safe, butttt...He would totally love for her to dress up and practice the dances with him!
• Would try to teach her some of his songs so they could sing along or so she could sing herself.
• Loves taking her to fan events and meet ups with his boss/background dancers and he rarely complains about her.
• Honestly he doesnt do the 'its a give or take world' thing with her, as shes so/too cute, naive and young..he feels bad almost.
• Yuma would teach her how to garden and let her help him take care of plants.
• Would share the shrimp that Kou usually tries to steal with her and feeds it to her.
• Protects her from other mean children her age, hence his height and frame he doesn't appreciate them bullying her.
• He would also try and keep her away from Azusa but not too often, hopefully..
• What do these two even have in common..?
• He might teach her how to cut..foods, of course with him and Yuma
• He'll let her see her knives but wouldnt hurt himself in front of her or hurt her.
• He really enjoys hugging her and calling her 'Mini Eve' 🥰
Yui | Extras
• Yui is really happy! She never knew much about her family, or background so this is a huge step.
• She tries protects her from others i.e Sakamakis etc..
• She likes to read her stories and play dolls with her
• If shes in the Mukamis house, her and Ruki love to cook with her and play with her
• If shes in the Sakamakis house, her and Reiji teach her how to read and dress 'properly' and in dresses.

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