When you're very Flexible | M boys+ Laito, Ayato, Reiji

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• Ruki would congratulate his s/o and may even watch them stretch and bend..he finds it beautiful and graceful, the perfect ladyz
• He may use his s/o's flexibility in his punishments somehow or someway.
• Likes seeing them practice if they ever do certain events gymnastics/ballet
• He thinks its cool and likes to dance with his s/o in his songs and her flexibility makes her able to do cooler moves.
• Kinda mesmerized by watching her and it makes him feel sorta upbeat and happy.
• Tries to get her in his dance lessons, shes very impressive.
• He thinks it neat but wishes they were better/more interested in gardening instead..
• Theres not much to say about him in this scenario..
• It makes your personal time in bed more interesting 😳
• He applauds his s/o! He thinks her flexibility and Kou's dancing together is very cool and enjoys watching.
• tries convincing his s/o to sign up to dance lessons/ballet lessons, and/or Kou's music videos.
• Hes a huge fan of your ability but also doesnt pay too much attention to it.
Laito | Sakamaki
• Ok, Laito's a pervert but he thinks its only useful for positions in bed-
• He likes how his Bitch-chan can move so gracefully and flexibly..he finds it mesmerizing almost.
• He likes bragging about sometimes..or just bringing it up in random conversations with her to tease her or make her embarrassed sometimes.
• He LOVES bragging about his pancake/melon's flexibility to others at school or his brothers.
• He also enjoys watching, and making lewd comments, of course.
• He likes to argue his s/o to do certain positions, to see if they'll 'break' or not.
• Like Ruki, he compliments his s/o on her grace and skills.
• He likes to watch her stretch and bend and always goes to any ballet/dancing classes she has.
• Sometimes makes tea and/or lunches after shes finished to reward her in a way and mentions how it could also work for her health and keep her fit/or even if she isnt fit, he finds it cool. ☺️

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