How would they react to their s/o wanting to Adopt a Child | Shu, Reiji etc

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• Shu declines immediately. He doesnt like noisy people or needy people, such as children. They also disturb his sleep.
• However he does secretly like the idea of having a kid with his s/o, like biologically.
• He claims even if his s/o does buy a child, to keep it away from him and his brothers.
• Reiji is his s/o's Adam, so he really thought his s/o would want them to make a child instead.
• He doesnt know how to feel about it, but lets her adopt a child anyway hut he'd still treat it as his own of course.
• He'd do everything in his power to give the kid a better life than he had when he was a child.
• Overall, its the perfect cute little family!
• Ayato is so confused, like??
• Why would chichnashi want someone else besides him, even at that, to adopt instead of create a child on their own..?
• I think he'd still be pretty happy with a child either way though :)
• He treats the kid as his own he wants to give it a better life then he had as a child.
• He still insists on having a kid with his s/o too though, he wants to outshine his brothers.
Ruki | Mukami
• Ruki loves the idea so much! Hes great with children and loves them very much.
• He wants to adopt a kid after he becomes Adam though in case they run into trouble before the Adam and Eve stuff.
• He keeps his kid far away from the Sakamakis and their children.He dislikes them very much especially Ayato and/or Laito.
• If thats what his s/o wants, he'll definitely let them go with it.He really loves his s/o so he'd support her decisions all the time, even the big ones.
• Hes excited about interacting with the kid and doing family stuff together. Hes a cinnamon roll.
• Lets his s/o choose his/her name, unless she asks him but he probs still tells her to choose.
Yui | Others
• Yui is very happy! Similar to Azusa, she likes children as well and always wanted a daughter but she'd be happy with a son too.
• Yui loves to dress up the kid and is ecstatic to do family stuff like go out and go to the park, etc.
• She'd also hug and be way more loving and even more of a sweetheart than before, however, she was happy either way with her s/o male or female.

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