When you ask to meet their Father/Mother/Parents. | S boys

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• The question itself gives him flashbacks to those days..
• He obviously says no, and when they ask why he hesitates, and then tells them why and tries to brush it off.
• Even after the event, it has him thinking about it a lot and his father a bit more..
• Kinda shocked, Kinda calm aka hes nonchalant as always
• Hes also a little hesitant because he doesnt know how Karl would feel about him now adays..
• Might say yes, but will be on high guard as always
• He immediately says no he hates 'that woman' and 'that guy'
• If they try and push him for info, he just declines it says something along the lines of "Oi?! Ore-sama did not give you permission to ask such things!!" probably.
• Sorta like Shu, it has him thinking a bit and if he should tell her more or not..I mean, Karl and them might come across paths... (Vandead Carnival reference)
• "Fufu, Bitch-chan..why meet them when we could do other things~? fufu.."
• Laito would probs be uncomfortable letting her meet Cordelia but he'd hide it with his usual flirty self..considering her and Laito did inappropriate stuff.
• Tbh, it kinda changes his whole mood for that day because it also flashes back memories of Cordelia.
• Kanato doesnt understand why ofc
• " Why would you wanna see them when you could hang out with me, Doll?"
• Hes a little bothered, why wouldnt they wanna have tea parties with them instead of Cordelia? He hates Cordelia obviously.
• Convinces them to not bring it up again as it increases his angry and selfish mood and he may cry about it.
• Honestly now adays Subaru doesnt know if his mother is still in the castle or dead..
• ( admin here, pretty sure shes alive in the castle!)
• Ok, so he might say yes out of all the mothers he finds his own mom very gentle so he wouldnt see much of a problem.
• Other than the fact Christa sometimes lashes out like how she did to Subaru when he was younger.
• His father would be a no no though.

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