When you wanna Break up over a Fight | S boys+ M boys

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• Ugh, hes bothered he has to use energy for this..
• He hugs their waist and tries to cuddle/hold them down and explain to them that hes sorry and kisses their forehead.
• Convinces them to stay, if they dont, he'll probably send his familiars to bring them back.
• Hes lazy in this ofc
• Haha no
• No way shes leaving him, He questions her on why she thinks he doesnt love her and is very civil about the whole situation and tries to find common ground.
• In rare/some scenarios he may let them leave, after all..he is a gentleman, mature and very respectful.
• If theyve been together for more at one year then he would not let them leave.
• Haha, nope shes not leaving-
• Questions why while whining but demands their blood shortly after.
• Besides the fact about the fight..clueless Ayato-kun..
• Doesnt know why anyone would want to leave Ore-sama.
• Hes very entitled during the whole thing and keeping a close eye on her for now on snd watching his brothers around her.
• "Bitch-chan~.. why~? fufu,"
• Probably doesnt even think/care/remember about the fight.-
• I mean, he assumes she wants to leave because he flirted/flirts with other girls, but he hasnt done that in a while ever since they started dating.
• Closes the door before she leaves and backs her against the door to kiss her.
• He convinces her to do lewd activities/or cuddle with him so she forgets.
• He wonders if Ayato told her a lie about him or something..
• Pft he is brutal
• He just starts another fight but with more guilt tripping, crying and screaming.
• Throws stuff at them and chases them down to drag them back.
• Hes very pissed for some days and locks them up in the dungeon most likely.
• Itll take a long time for his s/o to make it up to him a very long time.
• Subaru might actually let them leave considering he thinks himself as a monster.
• If he really loves her though he'd slam the door and comfort them by hugging them tightly.
• He'd be apologizing a lot and he would need a lot of reassurance afterwards.
• Loved her very very dearly
• Ruki would not let his Livestock leave him, hes their Adam after all..
• Like Reiji, he questions on why, I mean..it was just a fight not like he cheated.
• Holds his Livestocks hand and takes them back to the mansion and would give them tea to calm her down.
• Kou is out of proportion for sure..
• If he really loves them, he'll start being a two faced but will convince them to stay.
• But if he didnt love them as much..he would send his fangirls after her and let them harass her.
• Tbh leaving Kou would take effort..to get away from his fans.
• However, either routes, hes two faced in both of them.
• "Where ya goin' Sow?!"
• Doesnt understand why they feel as he doesnt love them over a silly fight.
• He doesnt really apologize?? Not directly, at least.
• He may let them have some of his veggies from his garden.
• Keeps her close to him and around more often.
• "E-Eve..!"
• Hes so sad and upset now..poor cinnamon roll.
• Apologizes to them a lot and clings to them once they blow off some steam.He really loves her
• However, if she left left..one of Azusa's brothers would probably send their famaliars after her to bring her back to him.
• Doesnt wanna upset her again so hes more gentle towards her and asks for her to hurt him when she gets upset.
• Hes so happy to see her again..🥺

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