When youre Sick | Headcannons ft. Karlheinz and Richter

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"I shouldve known in the rain.."
-He would give you a potion that takes time but would kick in eventually.
-He would make you chicken noodle soup and make sure his brutish brothers dont bug you, and if you're lucky, he might not bite you today.
-Doesnt like your deadbeat/Shu nature, but wants you to get better.
-He teaches and schools you all in bed including pencils, calculators and books dont get it twisted.
"...Mh..? Here, nap with me."
-Shu teases you with sick/cold puns.
-He also might not care at the same time though, but he would let you snuggle him as he sleeps peacefully.
-Oh, yeah, he would try to get Reiji to make you some medicine/soup.
-He would also make Ayato and Laito stay away from you more often during your sickness.
-He doesnt enjoy loud noises unless theyre moans, so hes grateful your sleeping more often and being a quiet bloodbag for him.
-Also appreciates you not resisting.
"What?!..What about my blood, Y/N?!"
• Hes a total brat about the whole ordeal
• Once you show the tiniest symptom of okayness hes totally demanding for blood.
• Although, he might sleep with you (like how he slept with Yui in the series.)
• He sees you as Shu kinda for now
• Actually, he might try to feel pity for you for once.
• Would suggest sex as a way to get your mind off it, but after it doesnt work he gets a little down.
• However, hes a huge cuddler and a lover for physical touch so he'd cuddle your sickness away.
• He might make Kanato bake macaroons for you and him to enjoy.
• Probably along Subaru one of the greatest people during this.
• Hes a massive brat, more massive then Ayato, hes pissed at whatever caused this sickness.
• He wants you to bake him cupcakes and sweets but he mainly wants blood
• One of his brothers, most likely Reiji, would have to tell him to behave and stop his behavior.
• Once a bit calmed down he'll help you by giving you strawberry pudding instead of his favorite raspberry.
• Hes still Kanato Sakamaki, so he might kindly request for some blood. I only said might..
• Hes kinda upset you cant go rose picking with him in the garden but sucks it up.
• Hes a blushing mess but offers headpats, head kisses and cuddles
• He doesnt like sick people usually but youre his s/o so he'll tolerate you.😊
• If you vomit hes totally disgusted, would call Reiji and run out to his garden.
• He also would freak out if you passed out so also a 'Reiji, help me' - card, but once he hears your heartbeat still he'd calm down.
-Karls far more mature then the Sakamakis, Reiji is obviously closest but still far away, so he'd logically make you medicine.Hence the whole nurse and Reinhart thing
-He'd whisper sweet nothings in your ear and cuddle you..Hell, he might let you sit in his lap while he does paperwork. 💕
-Would probably manipulate you into staying in bed, but for good reasons this time! :)
-Richter is a sweet sad guy so he would like to cuddle you, make you soup etc.. probably anything since Cordelia treated him poorly and hes used to it
-He might make a mockery out of his sons just to make you laugh while youre ill 💀
-Would enjoy watching romance movies or light hearted films while youre sick.
-He would also share whatever his fave food is with you, just dont vomit cause thats one thing he'd never clean up/do for you.

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