When you have Bitter Blood | S boys+ Ruki, Azusa

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• He actually enjoys bitter blood! Enjoys cuddling and drinking from them. 🥺
• Kinda happy about it because his brothers wont try and drink from her so thats less bothersome.
• He doesn't necessarily like sweet blood nor hate it..but bitter is def preferred for him.
• Doesn't like it but doesn't hate it..
• He also doesnt know how to feel about it really..he sorta hopes it changes taste to be less bitter and more..bittersweet..(?)
Other than that,..He likes to give her tea that may or may not have something in it, just to make it less bitter.
• Dislikes it..a lot..ew.
• Can handle drinking it and tries not to mind it to much
• Prefers sweet but not too sweet ofc but doesnt mean he wanted bitter/bittersweet/sour!
• He probably tries to avoid drinking from her as much as often and just stick to blood bags/blood drinks.
• He likes bitter and sweet blood, so this isnt really a problem for him.
• Hes not used to always drinking bitter blood though so he'll have to get used to smelling and drinking it more often though.
• However hes mainly focused on other activities.
• He hates it so much.
• Just like how he hit the coffee cup out of Yui Komori's hand, He'll be very upset and avoid her altogether and her 'nasty' blood.
• Does not want to see, hear or smell her.She may need protection because he may try to lash out on her all over her blood..
• He prefers sweet but can totally handle bitter blood, even bittersweet blood.
• Eh..not much to say about him to be honest..
• I mean, hes not unused to it..theyve had over 1,000 brides before of course so its nothing new to him.
Ruki | Mukami
• Eh..hes decent about it.Doesnt really mind it to be honest..
• Ruki kinda enjoys bitter blood tbh..more than sweet blood.
• Again, hes nots completely used to it, because over the years they dont always get their hands on the brides some years...
• He probably prefers sweet imo..but hes grateful/thankful for bitter blood.
• Still likes her in a friendly way and gives her pain still as any bride.
• Other than that, Azusa will treat them as usual not differently from the rest but still sometimes wishes he could have Bittersweet.

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