When you have a Pet Wolf | S+Kino

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• Shu doesnt really care, nor like it, as long as it doesnt bother him or make noise hes okay with it.
• Might pet it or question why or where you even bought the wolf from..
• He knows Reiji wont like it, but hes curious on how he'd react so he may slip small words to him
• Ok, no. Reiji doesnt like this but lets say he allowed it for whatever reason..;
• He looks forward to training him or her so they'll act like a normal trained dog.
• He likes to keep it in an extra room, so the wolf doesnt disturb him or his lab.
• He would also help feed it on rare moments.
• Ayato thinks its so badass!! Constantly praises the animal and harasses Reiji with it sometimes.
• He questions if its a Tsukinami wolf
• He totally enjoys training it and feeding it etc he likes bringing it to school even without your say.
• He doesnt really care? He thinks its cool!
• He might try and pet it and watch you walk the beast
• Not much to be said.. However he hopes this domestic animal doesnt get in the way of your sex lives.
• Doesnt really like it or care tbh..
• He doesnt want the animal to interrupt tea time or you and his time alone.
• Probably would hurt the animal if it pissed him off, causing the animal to fight back then he cries like a baby and doesnt know why it did that.
• honestlywholikeskanato
• Subaru thinks its pretty cool, might congratulate on its white coat/black coat.
• Likes feeding it meat or dog treats and sometimes even petsitting it.
• Tries to keep it away from the other brothers because hes afraid they'll hurt his SO for having the animal.
Kino | Extra
• Kino, Like Ayato, thinks its badass and cool!
• Praises the animal for doing he littelest things
• Probably owns/or now wants to own one of his own so they can breed and make more.

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