When you're Keeping a Secret | S+M Boys

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• Hes not too bothered and mostly tired, unless you make it a big deal/or act like it is then he wants to know..kinda..
• He teases more often and sorta bugs you more often he slowly progresses and gets more interested.
• When hes fed up with it he'll get annoyed and demand it or eventually let it go for some weeks.
• Reijis already turned down by the secret keeping act.
• I mean, why would you hide things from him? He doesn't necessarily share secrets??
• anyway, hes sorta demanding he wants to know even if its not anything big he'll definitely punish you if you dont fess up within a day at most.
• He also may question his brothers if they know or did something to start/provoke a secret being creative.
• Hes nosy as hell so he already is in your face and business and wants to know.He boasts on how you can trust him and he 'wont tell anyone.'
• Starts randomly guessing despite your responses might even draw attention to him and his s/o by accident.
• But similar to Reiji, he'll probably try to corner you and get you to confess however, once you do, he might laugh and shrug it off as nothing depending on what it was/is.
• Hes already bothered by other's presence this just makes him 20x worse..
• He demands to know it right away, if not, he'll go ballistic and bite harshly.Hes rarely, very rarely sweet.
• Once he knows, he'll be slightly more 'normal'  might even bring it up in other later conversations to tease or just because he wants too.
• He'll get annoyed and guilt trip his s/o until they spill, he has no boundaries...(whatabitch-)
• Hes pretty tsundere about it, doesnt really care
• However, if he starts overthinking, he may try to learn more
• He starts wondering, is it something he did? Did he harm/hurt his s/o's feelings or was it something more personal to her? Hes overall very insecure about it kinda..
• If he figures out, or if she told him eventually, he'd be a little relieved and less insecure/nervous now but he'd need reassurance still.
Ruki | Mukami
• Hes not a fan of his Livestock keeping secrets from him.Hes her Adam so why must she feel the need to keep stuff?
• He might threaten with punishment if she doesnt tell, but lowkey and nonchalantly.
• Hes mature as usual the whole time before his voice starts to change a little then hes probably growing tired of the shenanigans.
• He'll probs question his brothers first before talking to his livestock.He thinks Kou would know more then Yuma or Azusa.
• He doesnt get why you have secrets? Well he has his, but still
• He might get curious if he ever grows bored or ever has nothing to do.
• Kou might start to bug them and pester them more often that day because of it.
• After a while he starts getting two-faced and tries ever further to get them fo budge.
• He might even use his fans against them..
• Like some of the other Diaboys, he doesnt really mind it at first he could really care less.
• He may get interested if he asks what its about if she responded with "us" "girls at school" or something like that, he's be interested.
• Would question if his S/O had issues in their relationship or if theyre getting bullied he doesnt really know how to react/respond(?)
• Once he figures out he reassures them once before going back to Gardening, might invite them to go with him.
• Tbh, he probably doesnt even notice until a while and when he does hes very soft about it and doesnt pressure his s/o to tell him.
• He would reply and tell his s/o that she didnt have to hide but nor tell him but he might be the slightest interested.
• Asks if some pain would get your mind off the 'big secret'.
• Loves his s/o a lot so would probably forget within a day.

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