When you want a Kitten | M+T Boys

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Ruki | Mukami
• I have a feeling Ruki wouldnt really like animals..?
• He might say yes if hes really in love with his Livestock (but uh..ever since that route were he killed a kitten Yui was taking care of.. 😐 )
• Would enjoy petting it and watching his s/o care for it but wouldnt be too big on caring for it himself as it is their pet.
• He thinks its cute and might let down around the creature more often.
• Kou actually agrees with you! He loves cats, obviously..
• Even if Ruki wasnt ok with it he'd still get one with you he'd be so happy
• He loves to pet it and care for it with you and watch it purr he doesnt like when she/he hisses though.
• He also doesnt like throw up or claws, so that'll be left for his s/o to do instead of him..or Azusa, since he likes pain, he can declaw the kitten.
• He thinks its cute, he wants it to scratch him and maybe nibble at him..
• However his s/o doesnt like him getting hurt so she doesnt let the kitten hurt him hes a little disappointed, but he likes to cuddle it and feel its soft fur against his skin.
• He, Kou and you hang out together more often because of it and actually grow a decent friendship, you three.
Carla | Tsukinami
• He'd probably say no..i mean, he has other things to do as king and all and so does his s/o
• However, if he said Yes, he wouldnt really care..I mean he might be present for the declawing and bathes but nothing really..
• He might threaten you with it when he doesnt get his way.
• Might let Shin help out with his s/o with the kitten.
• he secretly likes its little meows and purrs!
• Yeah, he doesnt like cats either..
• Would recommend a dog/wolf instead, actually..he doesnt even know why his s/o wants a kitten...she has him.
• however at the end he might punish her if she gets to annoying (the s/o) / or might give up and give her a kitten. (rare scenario)

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