When your Ex is Bothering You | Ayato, Kanato, Reiji, Shu, Kou and Karlheinz.

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• Hes so possessive so now hes just annoyed with the guy/girl, threatens them with violence
• Might suck his s/o's blood in front of the ex to make a point that his s/o is his and his only hes serious about them if the relationship is like over a week old. 😭
• He'll draw a lot of unnecessary attention towards you three (including him)
• after that hes more observant and possessive for sure..
• Hes literally insane and now hes even more irrational..hes throwing shit everywhere and threatening the ex with death.
• However, he'll still be a brat towards his s/o but if anyones even trying to date or befriend him, theyre obviously prepared for his tantrums/guilt trips.
• His warning would be a broken bone, it gets worse here from on 'out'.
• It takes him quite a while to become less irritated, because hes always irritated..
• Handles it maturely, hes not jealous but bothered by it its his s/o not theirs anymore
• Politely asks them to stop, if they dont, or ignore his ask, he begins to get annoyed and might bring his familiars out to get him/her or teach them a lesson.
• If it went down the polite way, he wouldnt bring it up with his s/o, but continue the day/activity as normal.
• Hes sorta bothered, sorta sleepy still..
• But if it keep repeating in one day hes very annoyed now and will step in to say something.
• Might threaten him if it starts to escalate, hes serious about whats his
• Afterwards hes back to napping of course
• Kou threatens the ex with his status, threatening to unleash his teenager girl fan club on them and his fans in general.
• Hes not happy, and claims that M neko-chan is his and his only.
• However, after that he'll tell his s/o that its a 'give or take world' and will request blood after probably.
• Hes not pleased, who would dare go after the Demon-Vampire King's wife? A queen at that, even if its an ex.
• He might fight the ex if it escalates enough, or even call his guards/familiars to get rid and escort him far away from the Kingdom.
• He also has banned his sons, including Kino.The Mukamis are allowed though but he doesnt want this to happen again.

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