17.| parents

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"What are you up to, Lili?"Jennie suddenly popped up out of nowhere

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"What are you up to, Lili?"
Jennie suddenly popped up out of nowhere. She has her usual smile and her trademark brooch.

"I'm researching for the upcoming school play."
Being a member of the drama club is probably the best decision she ever had. Along with the other Arts and Design students, they were assigned to take care of the costumes. Lisa grew up fond of making clothes and using her imagination to design various outfits.

"Oh yeah the news spread earlier this morning, I heard the auditions will open tomorrow."
Jennie settled herself on the chair in front of Lisa, curiously looking at the papers sprawled on their table.

The cafeteria was rather quiet, maybe because students already finished lunch while Lisa is excused and Jennie is on an hour break.

"Hey girls."
Jisoo appeared, as usual, her hands are occupied by stacks of folders, she's wearing a pink bunny headband, doesn't really look like someone who's got a lot on her plate.

Her eyes narrowed towards the stuff Lisa is working on, Lisa proudly showed off her initial sketches for the gown the lead actress will be wearing.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, huh? That's an interesting choice. Last year, we had a novel about the prince of some place, it was boring. Looks like I can put my trust on the Drama Club this year."

Lisa smirked, her eyebrows shot up.
"Unni, of course! I will make sure the actors and actresses will be on their prettiest state!"

"Have you conducted the auditions yet?"
Jisoo sat beside Jennie analyzing the designs. She's studying Fashion Design but was too busy that she declined joining the Drama Club. Her words, exactly, "i would rather shop."

"I guess, tomorrow? A lot of students showed interest in joining. Especially because of a certain someone that will act as the Prince."


"The one and only me."
Said a deep breathy voice behind them.

There stands Taehyung with Jimin that is looking at Jennie, vice versa. They were sending shooting glares to each other, it almost hurts watching them. The other three, already used to them quarreling decided to ignore the two.

"So Mr. Kim is the handsome prince, I didn't know you're interested in acting."
Jisoo teased her colleague.

Taehyung grinned, his hands resting on his hips. The guy is such a masterpiece with his looks, definitely what a prince should look like.

"Actually I'm upset because I'm not the first choice. JK declined the Drama Club's request."

Lisa is aware of that. She was there when their president practically begged on her knees. Jungkook, however, wasn't fazed, he politely rejected the offer saying he's not comfortable with working as a love interest.

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