23.| lunch

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"Wow hello there, Ms

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"Wow hello there, Ms. Council member, what brought you here?"
Lisa greeted Jisoo with a wide smile, the latter just rolled her eyes while grinning in amusement.

It's new for Lisa to see her first, usually it's Jennie who will save their table, then she will arrive next, Jisoo will either be very late or not appearing at all, the latter being more possible.

"I don't know, maybe I wanna have lunch." Jisoo even showcased her meal she is already half way through.

"Ah, there's miso soup today? I'm so hungry, where's Jen unni?"

"Not yet here, I haven't seen her since earlier, how about you?"

Lisa's lips twitch, she stared upwards trying to recall memories from that morning.
"Oh well I did saw her earlier but she's on the phone so I didn't bother calling her."

Jisoo rested her chin on her palm, "On her phone, you say? That seems like the typical her, maybe she got a lot of stuff to do. I'll text her, you go order your lunch."

"Anything else you wanna eat?"

"Nope, go ahead."

Lisa hummed in response before turning her back. She fell in a long line of students, after she looked at her wristwatch, she realized other blocks are taking their lunch as well, explaining the queue.

"Don't you think the president looks so unreal?"
Her ears perked as she heard the students spoke behind her.

"I know! It feels like it's a blessing seeing him up close like this."

"What made him go out today? He usually eats lunch at his office."

"I don't know, but don't you think it's a good thing?"

Lisa clicked her tongue, they don't even try to whisper. She noticed how almost everybody were craning their necks to lool at something behind her. She looked back, a few steps away from her was Jungkook, he's also waiting in line.

She raised her eyebrows after she caught him looking at her. Jungkook's lips slightly protruded then tore his gaze.

"Uh, oppa, you can cut in line, we won't mind."
Said a girl schoolmate behind her. Lisa can't help but listen.

"No it's fine, let me wait here."
Jungkook sounds polite but there's a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Oppa, please I insist. At least take our place."
Said another one.

"Alright, but please don't call me oppa."
His voice was dismissive, she heard the girls behind her squeal before it silenced.

Lisa don't even have to guess who's behind her right now. She's been with him for quite some time already, his scent is a familiar smell for her. She even has a guess on her mind about what brand it is.

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