roses. | six

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the man and i had become less snippy with each other and more casual; as if we were mutual compatriots.

i had begun relishing my job further, and i had ceased lamenting opening up my flower shop. if i hadn't, i would've never faced that man.

i didn't even grasp his name, and he must've not identified mine either.

we were a pair of outsiders who were flawlessly satisfied with the other. aliens that converged more than aliens would.

"hey. the usual?" i said, to which he consented.

i've gotten habitual to inquiring regarding what he began. seldom i paid consideration, to be noble. but i couldn't get full of his behavior and how he gladdened up whenever i questioned him alike it was the pleasantest obligation ever.

he was reasonably compact, but his humanity made him seem influential and towering, like a hydrangea. his hair occurred to be divided to the right, although i discerned that some dates it was separated to the left. it was a truly unparalleled characteristic of his, and i queried if he ever prepared it to observe if anyone would discern. or perhaps he produced it merely for his personal benefit.

ordinarily, i questioned myself why i continued to pay regard to him, why i didn't plainly present him his shallow twelve roses, and wish him a satisfying day. but it signified as if he demanded me to sweeten awareness to him like he was shrieking my name, like a gardenia flower.

"have you met anyone through your... pastime?"

"no, not really. nobody cares that much to ask for coffee after i gave them a rose. it's just the way people are."

i presented him the roses. "twenty dollars. and really? i was here thinking that's how you meet everyone. through roses."

"i wish it was as wholesome and elegant as that."

he gave me the cash, and i smiled. "see you later."

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