roses. | sixty-five

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i did not put the notice up after that day.

it was out of terror he would recognize what i addressed to him, that he would perhaps consider more of the phrase i had written.

"good morning, mr. florist," he spoke with a joyous temper. "how has your day been?"

quite nice, if i must say. you?

he was realistically squealing with delight. my eyes watched him as a grin quirked his perpetually sparkling face, his eyebrows raised and his low-lidded eyes creased.

"splendid! nothing short of splendid!"

oh? care to tell?

"well, my fiancee — you've met her before — she's allowed me to bring you to the wedding! i practically begged her to let me invite you, because, well, it was your flower that led me to meet her. it would only be basic decency to show you how much kindness can do."

i stopped breathing.

for that second, the sun didn't glow. the melody of the songbirds that previously passed through the air smoothly had ceased and stared uncannily. my mouth, that had been closed, was forced wide apart for what i hoped would be a screech of panic.

alternatively, it was a breathless silence.

then, i doubled over, hacking and throttling. the discomfort and the energy caused me to crumple over and jitter on the carpet.

i saw mr. rose dash to me once more. this commotion was too familiar. i did not like this one bit.

one by one, thirteen roses, thistles and blooms, cut me until i bled, making their way out of my body.

the platform which i previously mopped feverishly to clean, was painted with red blood again.

roses. | eren x leviWhere stories live. Discover now