Power of the Aces

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3rd pov 

The game starts, Suga manages to set one of the neighborhood guys and he lands a good spike. "Nice set," he compliments Suga. "Woah, Suga is so good," Hinata starts to admire Suga causing Daichi to laugh, "he is our official setter." Y/n notices Kageyama tensing up, patting him on the back she comforts him. 

"That was a great set, Suga," Noya compliments him next. "Thanks, but it's really because those guys are adjusting themselves to my sets. I still need to work on them, really we need to start getting better or the game will just continue to rely on one player again." Noya looks at him with admiration, "You know, you're actually kinda cool." "What really? That means a lot coming from you." "Huh? Why's that?" "Hahah"

The game started up again with the Neighborhood serving, Daichi receives sending it to Kageyama, he sets it to Y/n who had 2 blockers on her making her do an Angle spike 

"Woah, she really jumped."

"Did you see how sharp she cut across the blockers?"

"That set was scary accurate too."

Keishin looks in awe as Takeda got excited, Y/n, you've changed so much. Last time I saw you play, you were just learning how to aim spikes

"Hinata, your serve."

Just barley passing the net the Neighborhood team got it in the air, but it wasn't properly set up. "Bun head, finish it off!" 

"Let's shut it down!" Kageyama yells. "I don't take orders from you," Tsukki retorts. Tanaka was about to cry, "Come on, Asahi!" Spiking it Asahi hit Kageyama's arm causing the ball to fly up backwards. Just before it hit the ground Noya dug it up sending it over the net. Tanaka started to cry freaking Tsukki out a little bit, "Great job Noya!"

"Even if the ball rebounds off the blockers, I will keep it in play," Noya stands back up, "So, please, you have to ask the setter for another chance, Asahi, you're the ace!" The ball was sent back over to the Neighborhood team and Suga was getting ready to set. "Sugawara, keep setting it to Asahi until he scores!" Kageyama encourages Suga. "That's just cruel, Your Majesty." "QUIET!!"

Suga was still hesitant, I can't make Asahi deal with a triple block. Even if he's the ace.

Asahi begins think, The setter gives the ball to the Ace to spike and the set only happens because of the receiver. People are doing their jobs, but I only saw myself.  Every single person telling me to play was right. "SUGGGAAAA!!!" He calls for the ball, "over here."

Smiling Suga sets Asahi up with his favorite set. "Why did you encourage him to do that? You know we have to block it," Tsukki teases Kageyama. "Obviously, it's meaningless if we just let him through." Tanaka continues to cry

Asahi jumps and hits as hard as possible smushing the ball to the ground after it tore through a triple block. Hinata and Y/n look with amazement, no doubt about it. Y/n smiles, he's definitely the ace. It gets me kinda fired up.

"Did you just hear that noise? It was like Paahhh!" Takeda has his mouth wide open.

"Good job, guys!" Suga smiles and cheers on Noya and Asahi. "Thanks, your set was really good and Nishinoya's receive was perfect." Asahi sheepishly said causing them to smile. "But you know," Noya got serious, "this is what happens when you skip a month's worth of practice, you can't jump worth a crap!" Asahi rubs his head in shame, "Sorry." "Haha, aren't you being a little too harsh, Noya?" Suga jokes with them.

"So, we're up against a veteran team with Asahi on their side. We definitely got our work cut out for us," Daichi says. "What are you going on about, Daichi?" Tanaka says, "You know, you've-"

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