1. Chapter: Todoroki the savior

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Vor Everyone who's from Tiktok: don't be confused I'm writing the whole story into a wattpad story, I added much more details and I changed the story a little. I hope that's okay!!

Todorokis Pov:

I was on my way back to the dorms when I saw Toga running. At the beginning I didn't saw that she was chasing a little kid.
"You little a**hole, stop running away!" Toga screamed and nearly got the kid.
I stopped thinking and instantly ran to them.
"Leave the kid alone!" I screamed and throwed ice at her. The kid stared at me in shock and didn't moved a millimeter. Toga got hit from my ice and stood now meters away from me and the kid
"I better go!" She said while running away. I just let her run. 'Why was Toga chasing this kid' I thought while I turned to the kid and kneel down in front of them.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked, but the kid took scared a step back and didn't answered. They looked like they're afraid of me, even though I just saved them
"Hey, what's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you!" I then said quietly with a soft voice, trying to calm down the kid. They looked at me, not that scared anymore, but still said nothing. I tried to calm the kid more, so it would speak with me:
"Everything is fine, I'll bring you to a safe place" the kid still didn't wanted to say anything, they only nodded. I looked around, trying to find anyone that could be the parents or anything of the kid, but the street were empty, so I took the kid with me to the U.A.

Timeskip: at the U.A

When we arrived at U.A I straight went to my classroom to met Aizawa and explained what happened. He listened carefully with his always tired face
"So Toga was chasing this kid?" Aizawa asked again and looked at the kid. And answered monotone:
"Yes, I don't know why." Aizawa went to the kid and kneel down in front of it so he could look them in the eyes. The kid backed away and Aizawas tired face turned into a confused face
"Why was Toga chasing you?" He asked the kid 'It probably won't answer' I thought and I was right, they said nothing, they just stand there and looked at him with a scared face.
"It was the whole time quiet" I said and looked at the kid, maybe they're just to scared to say anything, but why are they scared? I just saved them and Aizawa just asked something. 'They cannot be deaf...' I thought and at the same time Aizawa said:
"Maybe they can't hear us" the kid looked at him and obviously understood what he said
"No they can hear us, look, when you hear us nod" I turned to the kid and I was right, they nodded and looked at me with now a little confused look
"I think it's the best they stays with you for awhile, until we maybe found out where it's parent is. Take care of them." I looked at the kid again and I thought that I saw a sad look but I was just imagine it
"And go with them to recovery girl, maybe the LoV did anything to them" Aizawa continued and then sit down behind a desk. I looked at the kid and it looked at me. At this moment I realized that its [e/c] eyes shine abnormally, it was so beautiful
"By the way... it's sleeping with you in your dorm, since we have no free dorm" Aizawa said before we left

Timeskip: With recovery girl

Your Pov.

A old small women checked me, at the beginning I didn't let her touch me because I was scared that she hurts me, but I realized fast that she only wanted to help me. The boy that saved me looked at me with confusing. His hair had two colors, at left white and at the right red, he also has two eye colors, his right eye blue and his left eye gray, at his right eye was a burn mark and he was tall. 'Even if I didn't got hit with the quirk that maked me a kid he would be taller then me.' I thought
"It looks like they got hit with a quirk that makes them a little kid" the women said what I just thought. 'I hope that it goes away soon' I thought and looked at the floor
"So ussuall they're older?" The boy asked, he didn't told me his name yet, but I was sure he tells me later. Usually I'm 15 and just because of this kid quirk the LoV could catch me
"Yes usuall they're 15" the women answered I looked at the women and nodded. 'I'm wondering how old she is...' I thought and looked then at the boy. 'He looks like he's 16 or 17' I got lost in my thoughts and didn't really listened about what they talked
"And when get they back to normal?" The boy asked. The women answered:
"In two days I think" 'that's good to hear I already be like that since 2 days' I thought and remembered what happened in this two days, it was hell for me. 'I don't even know why they chased and kidnapped me...' The boy kneel down in front of me, but looked at the women
"Okay thank you, but why doesn't they speak?" Oh that's easy to answer, but of course the women has to answer, because I can't
"It seems like they don't have a voice" I nodded, she was right, I don't have a voice, but that doesn't mean that people can't understand me. I have a quirk named thoughts control and that means what it means; I can control thoughts.
"Oh..." The boy looked at me with a sad face
"That's sad" the last time someone looked at me sad was my mom, 5 years ago, seconds before she died... I looked at the floor. The boy stood up and smiled a little at me.
"Lets go to the dorms" He started walking and I followed him. 'This seems to be a school with dorms and, I think it was his teacher, said we have to share a dorm...' It's not that I don't have anything against dorms, but I'm not sure how we will share his dorm...
"By the way, my Name is Todoroki Shoto"

1089 words, that's not much :| also please forgive me, this is my first story and it's not so good, sorry :(

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