23. Chapter: What's happening?

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"I'm Akaya, the twin brother of your mother Akira, the person who died because of YOU! And I'm going to take my revenge for killing her!!" He said and was ready to stab me. I closed my eyes, ready for the pain and for the death
Suddenly a thought got into [y/n] mind. They was immortal, how could they forgot it! The only problem is, it'll be still very painful

Todorokis pov

I realized that [y/n] was gone, so I looked around
"What's wrong, Todoroki-kun?" As the same time Midoriya said that I saw [y/n] laying on the floor and the man, who kept us here all the time, was about to stab them. I let go of Midoriya and ran to them, ignoring the pain in my leg. I heard Midoriya saying that I shouldn't do that but I ignored everyone and throwed myself against the man, causing us both to fall. My shoulder started to hurt more, probably because I fell on it.
"Little'one!" I heard Souta, he walked in and when he saw the man he had a suprised expression on his face
"Akaya?!" He said, but then only took [y/n], again in bridal style and ran outside, me following him. [y/n] looked like they blacked out again

Timeskip: back in UA, with recovery girl

Your pov

I woke up in a white room, completely alone. I was laying on a white bed and someone changed my clothes to white clothes that looked like hospital clothes or something. I asked if someone was there and at the same time recovery girl came in, saying hello. She walked up to me and checked again on me while she was explaining that Souta brought me here and that I'm, besides the shock, completely fine. I asked if Shoto was fine too
"He's fine, but he has to stay here for a few days because of his leg and his shoulder." She hesitated a little, but then said nothing else so I asked if I could go to him. She said sure and gave me clothes what she said were from Souta because my old ones where dirty. I changed into Soutas clothed, of course they were too big for me but really comfortable and then recovery girl brought me to a door
"He's in there, but don't wonder, he looks a little different. His quirk changed, probably because of that big cat that bit him" I was wondering how she knew that but before I could ask she told me that Shoto told her that. After that she let me in in the room and I realized that Shoto really looked different. He was laying on a hospital bed and when he saw me he sat up, I had probably the dumbest expression ever on my face. He leaned his head a little on the side, in confusing, and that looked so cute!

Todorokis pov

[y/n] came in and looked confused, suprised and more else, what confused me, so I asked what's wrong. They went to me and pointed at my new cat-ears that I got because of the cat-bite
"Y-you have c-cat ears a-and tail" they said and pointed at my new gotten cat-tail
"Oh, you mean that? That's because of the cat that bite me" I answered, suddenly Midoriya came in, suprised as well. After the first shock he walked up to me with a happy expression
"Omg you look so cute!" He said and smiled his closed-eyes smile. I said that it's only for a few days but that didn't made him any sadder he only said that recovery girl told him that already, then he asked if he could stroke me of course I said yes

Your pov

Midoriya patted Shotos head, what made him purr a little, Midoriya said again that he was cute then stopped patting him and walked to the door. Shoto stopped purring and asked why he walked away again
"I just wanted to see if you two are okay" I nodded and he walked away. After he left I yawned and said that I'm still tired. Shoto moved a little to the other side of the bed, making space for me and told me to lay down besides him but I hesitated
"What's wrong? I thought you like cuddling with me?" I nodded, of course I liked cuddle with him, I loved it, but I was a little afraid of cats and well, he had cat ears, cat tail and acted a little like a cat. Now I shacked my head and said that I'm a little afraid of cats. He said that he's only half cat and that it was only for a few days, that didn't really calmed me down but I still nodded and lay down next to him
"Look? I'm not doing anything" he said, I nodded again and snuggled on his chest. It was warm and comfortable. He started purring a little, a calming sound what calmed me down and I almost fell asleep, even though I was blushing, when suddenly Shoto said something
"I have to tell you something..." He sounded nervous so I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. But when he started talking again suddenly the door got pushed open and a yes screaming Mina fell on the floor. She scared me that much that I fell off the bed on the floor
"What do you want Mina?" Shoto said, sounding a little angry and when I stood up I could see that his ears was laying against his head and that his tail moved unhappy a little. Mina stood up too and walked to us
"Wow Midoriya was right, you do look cute! I'm here because I smelled tEa" of course I didn't knew what she meant with that so I asked
"Ooh~ he was going to confess to you!" That made Shoto hiss a little and me more confused than I already was
"Just go Mina" Shoto said. I looked back and forth between Shoto and Mina, asking what he was going to confess. Mina smiled at me, said that I'm so innocent and started explaining but right after she said the first word she got interrupted from Shoto, who was growling at her
"Don't you dare!" He said. I looked at him, still confused, but smiled
"Calm d-down Shoto, e-everything is f-fine"

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