20. Chapter: finally a friend

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Before I could answer it knocks on the door
Who's there, that late?

Todorokis pov

I told the person to come in. Souta came in and looked at me while he went to the bed. He then looked at the floor
"Hey, I'm really sorry for today... Are you okay?" [y/n] sat up and hugged him
"Yes... But please don't do that again" Souta hugged back and said that he'll never do that again
"Why did you ran away?" I asked the question that was going through my mind since he did it. Souta hesitated a little, then explained it
"Something like that happened once before and I promised that it would never happen again. [y/n] got hurt a second time because of me"

Your pov

Souta explained to Todoroki why he ran away but I didn't really listened because I was getting sleepy. While Todoroki said something I fell asleep.

Timeskip: next morning

Your pov

"Good morning, cutie, wake up" I opened my eyes at Todorokis words ,that i didn't understood well, because I was so tired and sleepy, and realized that he was hugging me. I let a little squeal out, blushed a little and stood up quickly
"You were shaking at night and when I hugged you, you stopped shaking" Todoroki explained after he got up too. I remembered the dream I had, not a lovely and good memory and looked at the floor
"T-then thank y-you, I g-guess" he smiled a little and asked me if I wanted to talk about it, I said no while looking out the window and explaining why.
"Ok, lets get ready for school then"

Timeskip: in school

Broccolis pov

"We have a new student, come in" Aizawa said and a girl with long brown hair and light green eyes cane in. I noticed that [y/n] was getting nervous and asked if they was okay. They only nodded and looked at the floor.
"Introduce yourself please" Aizawa told the new girl
"Hello, my name is Suzuki Chiyoko" she looked through the class like she was searching someone and when she found [y/n] she smirked, they flinched and got obviously nervous, but I thought it was happiness to see an old friend again
"Do you know her?" I asked

Your pov

Chiyoko looked through the class, obviously looking for me, and when she found me, she smirked. That smirk obviously was a symbol that she's going to make my life to hell, again.
"Do you know her?" Midoriya suddenly asked, I only nodded for an answer. Aizawa told Chiyoko to sit down at the last free place and she did exactly that.

Timeskip: in break

Todorokis pov

"SOU!!" The new girl screamed while running to Souta and hugging him, what made everyone look at her I went to [y/n] and whispered
"Sou? Is she going to die?" They shacked the head and explained that they gave each other little nicknames and that she isn't going to die.
"Chiyo. Let. Me. Go." Souta said annoyed and a little aggressive
"But I missed you!" The new girl pouted but let go of him, Souta only walked away
"Do you three know each other?" Mina asked, they nodded. Then Chiyoko walked to us
"Hey dummy! Don't worry I'm here now~" she started laughing like a psychopath, what made me really angry.

Your pov

"Hey dummy! Don't worry I'm here now~" Chiyoko said while laughing and walking to me.
"Dummy?!" Todoroki repeated angrily, I nodded, not knowing what his problem was. Chiyoko asked who Mina and Todoroki was. Mina answered with that:
"Just friends but Todoroki is taking care of them. I go eat!" Then she walked away. Todoroki sighed and said that we should go eat too. Before I could answer Chiyoko leaned forward a little, pointed at my scratch on my cheek and smirked
"Taking care of you? Looks like he doesn't care about his job or you! I mean, who would ever care about you?" She said like she was asking if I wanted a muffin. I looked away 'she's right, Todoroki is only with me because Aizawa-sensei told him'
"Excuse me!?!" I looked at Todoroki, my head still down, he glanced angry at Chiyoko
"I do care about them! That was an accident and won't happen again!! Who do you think you are?! Go!!" I opened my mouth to calm him down, but Chiyoko didn't let me
"Go?! Tch. You don't know who I am! [y/n] lets go eat! Your 'friend' doesn't have to come too~" she started walking away, I said sorry to Todoroki and followed her, knowing that if I wouldn't, she would have hurt me. Todoroki grabbed me by my wrist, not letting me go with Chiyoko
"Don't go with her!! She just wants to make you feel bad! You deserve someone better!" He sounded angry, but sad at the same time. I looked at the floor. 'I want to go with him but if I do that, Chiyoko will hurt ne later... But...' While I was thinking about with who I should go, Chiyoko started laughing like a psychopath again
"You think you're better then me?!" She said it amused and seemed to can't stop laughing
"I'm definitely better then you." Todoroki said and walked away, pulling me with him. I didn't tried to pull away but I wanted to know why he protected me. I looked behind me to Chiyoko
"T-Todoroki-kun w-why did y-you do that?" Before Chiyoko turned around to go she gave me the angriest glance that I didn't saw for a while, what made me flinch
"Y-you made her a-angry..." Todoroki stopped walking and looked with mixed emotions at me
"I don't care if she's angry or not. She's not good for you, and you deserve someone better! And please call me shoto!" He sounded a little frustrated but mostly angry 'why is he doing this?' I thought. 'Someone better? So someone who cares about me, don't hates me and makes me feel better... So someone...' I smiled a little, a real smile
"Someone like you?" He smiled too and didn't looked that angry anymore
"This is a real smile! Much prettier then the fake one!" I blushed a little and looked away 'right... I forgot that he, however, can see if I'm real smiling or not'

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