13. Chapter: Fight!

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Aizawa said when we arrived in the middle of the circle

Your pov

Bakugou ran instantly to me, letting explosions come out of his hands. 'So his quirk are explosions, that means, as long as I'm far away from him, I won't get hurt' I thought and made an invisible wall in front of him, trying to keep him away from me. He ran against the wall with a loud noise
"What the hell?!" He screamed, everyone laughed, except me. He growled and blown up the wall
"Oh you'll gonna pay for that" he walked to me while I was in my thoughts 'he blown up the wall?!!' Bakugou thrown an explosion at me. I noticed it late and quickly let the explosion disappear, but a little of it hit me on my right shoulder before it disappeared too. I felt how my training suit got heavier so I touched my shoulder and then looked at my hand. 'I'm bleeding!' I heard someone saying that I'm hurt, but I couldn't hear who.
"HA! I've said you're going to pay!!" Bakugou yelled, running to me again. I used my quirk to throw him back, away from me again. He landed on the ground.
"What the hell was THAT?!" He said while standing up. I only looked at him, not answering. He noticed me staring at me
"You little shit!" He started to run to me again, but not in a straight line, it was like a pattern that only he knew, 'he tries to confuse me... My shoulder hurts so much, I'm sure I can do only one more attack...' I observed the pattern in which he ran and could quickly determine where he was going next. Even though I stood meters away from him and my shoulder hurts, I could kick him out of the circle. I closed on eye in the pain of my shoulder.

Bakahoes pov

[y/n] raised her arms and before I could do anything I got kicked out of the circle, again from nothing
"WHAT IN THE F*CKING HELL" I yelled when I hit the floor 'what the f*ck is the quirk of them?!' I thought. Everyone was silent and looked at them
"They wins!" Aizawa brocke the silence. "WHAT?!" I stood up 'LOSING AGAINST THEM IS NOT WHAT I WANTED' I thought while slowly walking to them
"I'm going to KILL YOU!! You little-" someone grabbed my arm, holding me back. I turned around to see that it was the little shit Deku.
"Kacchan stop, you got out of the circle, that means the fight is over!" I growled and saw that the others came to us
"What was that nerd?!" He let go of my arm, shacked his head and walked away, very scared

Your pov

I walked back to Todoroki, I saw Bakugou standing with his friends.
"Wow you won!! Good job!! Is your shoulder okay?" He asked. I thanked, nodded and smiled a little. He wanted to say something but Bakugou interrupted him
"IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE F*CK UP I'M KILL YOU!!" He yelled at Kaminari then I saw Mina day something what I didn't understood because they stood to far away from then. Whatever she said, it made Bakugou just angrier
"OH YOU'RE SO DEAD" he then walked away, Kirishima following him. Todoroki shacked his head
"Lets go to recovery girl, she needs to heal your shoulder" I shakes my head and said that my shoulder is okay
"No it not" he said, graved my hand and dragged me with him. I blushed and tried to get out of his grab, but his grab just got harder
"I'll only let you go if you go to recovery girl" he said, not even turning his head to me. I looked at the floor

Timeskip: after school; walking back to the dorms

Recovery girl told me about my shoulder, what I should do, and what not. When suddenly my Dad stepped in front of me
"Oh, I see, you're back to normal" I flinched and hid behind Todoroki
"D-Dad?!" He shacked his head and looked at me angry
"Don't be scared, I'm here to take you home!" I flinched again and hid my face in my arms, trying to avoid his glance
"I-I don't w-want b-back h-home"

Todorokis pov

I noticed that [y/n] got anxious and nervous by talking to the so called 'Dad' from them, so I hugged them
"What do you want? They're save here, you can leave" I said to this man. [y/n] flinched when I hugged them and defended against it.
"T-Todoroki-kun, p-please" I let go of them, even though I just wanted to comfort them. Then a boy with turquoise hair and gray eyes walked up to us
"Hey! Uhm..." He looked at [y/n] Dad and then at them
"Why's the Chief here?" We all looked at him
"Oh, it's the kid who got banished from the village" [y/n] Dad said in an annoyed and disgusted tone. 'Who is that? What village? Why Chief?' I thought and then asked it, but I only got ignored. The boy looked at [y/n] Dad with anger
"Why are you here, Chief?" The man wafted his hand in front of him, like he could get rid of him like a fly
"That's none of your business, banished kid" he said 'banished kid' in disgust, the boy made two fists and looked at the floor, staying silent. [y/n] was the whole time quiet but looked now at this boy
"A-are you o-okay?" They asked. I wanted to say that they all please stop ignoring me, but decided that it wouldn't change anything. [y/n] Dad now looked at them again
"Come child we're going home!" They shacked the head and I stepped in front of them to protect them. They're not going anywhere.
"I-I don't w-want h-home" [y/n] said, what makes the Dad of them really angry
"You remember what-" be for he could finish his sentence he fell overlie someone killed him and a boy with blue-black hair and white eyes popped up behind him. He was wearing a hoodie, the hood on his head and his hands in his pockets
"Gosh he's so annoying"

So here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed! I did my best, and yes I'm doing a cliffhanger, even though the most of you already know what happens. :)
Hope you have/had a nice day/night
Words: 1100

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