5. Chapter: Villains

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A familiar voice yelled

Your Pov

I turned slowly to the source of the voice and saw the people who kidnapped me. I saw how the leader ran to Midoriya, who suprised tried to fight, but he got easily knocked out. The girl who chased me meanwhile ran to Uraraka to knock her out. Todoroki got ready to fight but even he got knocked out from the boy with the blue flames
"Not again!" That all happened in what felt like a second. I was alone, no one who could save me from them again. I shacked my head and stumbled backwards. 'They will take me with them again! No! Not again! I don't want to know what they do to me this time!' I thought and tried to escape, ran to the dorm rooms trying to find someone who could save me
"Don't even try to escape!" The leader said as he grabbed me. I tried to get out of his grip but he just grabbed me with his second hand too
"Be careful! Just because your quirk didn't worked by the first time doesn't mean that it's not working now!!" The boy with the blue fire said before I got knocked out.

Timeskip: and hour later, with Todoroki

Todorokis Pov.

"Todoroki wake up!" I heard a female voice saying. My head ached like hell and I couldn't move or open my eyes. 'What happened?'
"Maybe he wakes up if-" I heard a male voice who sounded like Kaminari. He got interrupted
"NO!" The female voice, who sounded like Yaoyorozu, said annoyed. 'Where am I?'
"You didn't let me finish" Kaminaris voice said. I tried to move or ask what happened, but my body was heavy and like dead.
"I know what you wanted to say and NO!" Yaoyorozu said. Suddenly I reminded everything. I opened my eyes and every live got back to my body when I stood up, seeing Kaminari standing and Yaoyorozu kneeling there where I lay. Both looked at me. I turned around, not seeing anyone else.
"What happened?" I asked panicking, looking at Kaminari
"We don't know, we heard a scream and when we were here, Uraraka, Midoriya and you were knocked out" by talking about Uraraka and Midoriya I looked around trying to find them, but there wasn't there. I couldn't see [l/n] anywhere too. 'Guess the LoV got them!!'
"Where are Uraraka and Midoriya?!" When they're save I'm going to search for [l/n]! Yaoyorozu stood up.
"They're by recovery girl!" She said. Kaminari looked confused at me
"Can you please tell us what happened and where [l/n] is? Uraraka and Midoriya can't remember" of course they couldn't remember! They got knocked out, like me! And because [l/n] wasn't there, it was obvious that the LoV took them!
"The LoV was here and took them with them!" I answered. Yaoyorozu and Kaminari looked at me shocked. Then Kaminari looked at the other side of the room at the floor
"Maybe that explains why there's so much blood on the floor" I slowly turned around. Half of the floor behind me was full of blood. I looked shocked as hell at it. Who's blood is that!?!
"It isn't the blood of Uraraka, Midoriya or you." Yaoyorozu said like she read my mind. 'SO IT'S THE BLOOD OF [l/n]?!?!?! I told them that they're safe here!!!' I started to leave
"It was my job to take care of them, to safe them!! I told them that they're safe here!!" Kaminari grabbed my shoulder and tried to hold me back. I defended against his grip
"Calm down! First recovery girl needs to check you!" He then said. I shacked my head. How could I go rest or something, when I knew that [l/n] is there somewhere outside, with the LoV!
"NO! I'll go save them!!" I didn't cared if I was hurt, I just wanted to safe them. I never wanted to do something so hart like now and that was weird. Yaoyorozu shacked her head
"We need to get the others!" She said
"They'll help us!" Kaminari finished

Meanwhile with you and the villains

I waked up, but couldn't move or open my eyes. 'Everything hurts...'
"They should wake up soon!" I heard the voice from the leader, they didn't told me their names, but I knew that he was the leader, because one of the others called him that.
"First we need to fix your arm." That was the voice from the boy with the blue flames. I tried to move my hands and when I did it, I felt that there were tied
"I'm okay" the leader said a little annoyed
"Oh sure! YOU'RE JUST BLEEDING OUT ALL YOUR BLOOD!!" The other boy yelled a log more annoyed. His yell woke me completely up and I could move. I opened my eyes and saw a big wound on the arm of the leader, where ever he got that.
"Looks like they're awake!" The boy with the blue flames said the leader looked annoyed to the door
"Where's Toga?" 'I guess Toga is the girl who chased me...' I thought. I was tied to a chair and tried to get rid of it
"DON'T TRY!" The leader screamed and kicked me, Dabi looking annoyed at him
"That was form my arm!" 'Wait... The wound on his arm... That was me?! How?!' I thought confused, I couldn't remember using my quirk and if it was me using my quirk, his whole arm wouldn't exist anymore.
"Looks like they can't remember" the scar boy said. I looked at him. 'I wonder where he got his scars' I thought. He looked away, to the door
"What takes her so long?!" He said. The leader looked at him
"IDK" he then grinned and looked at me. I flinched 'that's so scary and creepy!!'
"Do you know that she's gone to get your dad?" He asked, my eyes widened. I shacked my head and tried to get rid of the ties again. 'No, no! NO! I don't want to get back to my Dad!' My eyes filled with tears. 'What did I do to deserve that? I finally found someone who is kind to me...' Suddenly the door opened and someone came in.

Wahoo! Finally the next chapter! And yes again a cliffhanger! I'm sorry! But the most of you already know what happens, so I guess it's okay? Well I hoped you guys liked the chapter!! :3
Words: 1089 ┭┮﹏┭┮

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