11. Chapter: nightmare

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"Hey!! Wake up!!"
They opened the eyes and sit up

Todorokis pov

I sat down next to them, worried
"Is everything okay?!!" They looked at me a little confused and nodded
"Yes, why?" 'How can they don't know?' I looked still worried at them
"You cried in your sleep again" now they looked suprised and put a hand on the face, feeling the tears
"Oh" they said like it was a normal thing and wiped the tears away
"B-But e-everything is a-alright" I looked at them 'how is everything alright when. You get every night nightmares?' I thought a little but couldn't got a really good reason , so I asked
"Really? Then why do you always have nightmares?" They thought a little and looked like they decided what to say
"I-it's because o-of something f-from m-my p-past" I waited for them to continue but they didn't. So I asked what happened, but they only shacked the head, looking at the floor, sad
"W-we don't h-have time w-we need t-to go t-to s-school" by the last word the glance of them went more scared.
"Can you tell me after school?" I didn't wanted to force them but I wanted to know, so I could probably help them. They got up, looking up.
"It's difficult and hurts, still" they whispered it, probably because they don't wanted that u hearted it so I just asked what, and, as I thought, they said
"Nothing" and went to the bathroom. 'What were they talking about? What hurts still? Why are they like that?! What happened to them, that they're that scared?!'

Here's a little update guys! I met my best friend today and we did something the whole day and I'm so tired, so the next real update will come tomorrow. I'm really so, so sorry;( щ(Дщ)
Words: 320

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