15. Chapter: questions

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At the end it was all one big mess of confusing and secrets
Souta and Chiko started arguing, forgetting about me and Todoroki.

Your pov

Todoroki grabbed my arm and wanted to go
"T-Todoroki-kun, we c-can't just l-leave" he shacked his head, asking why, I didn't answered
"Souta! I-it's f-fine! Why a-are you h-here anyway?" I asked instead. He looked at me, then to Chiko and back at me
"I was worried about you little'one" he said while patting my head. I smiled and looked at our Dad, who was lying on the floor
"W-what do w-we do w-with D-dad now?" I asked, Chiko giggled what made everyone look at him and asking why he giggled
"Maybe bring him to recovery girl? He's still your Dad after all." He answered Souta looked confused, but didn't said anything.

Timeskip: after bringing your Dad to recovery girl.

Your pov.

We brought our Dad to recovery girl and it took much time to got her to help my Dad. I got the idea that Souta could go with us to U.A and maybe in Todoroki and my class too. At the way to Aizawa, to ask him, Chiko said bye and he went home.
"So you want that your big brother goes here to school too?" Aizawa said after I explained him everything and that I wanted Souta to stay. I nodded. He shacked his head
"If need be, and it makes you feel safer, yes he can stay" I was happy and thanked Aizawa, after a little moment Souta thanked him too. Todoroki wanted to go to the dorms. 'He doesn't look so happy, is he jealous? But why?...Wait!'
"W-wait there a-are no f-free dorms!" Souta looked at me
"Can't we share a dorm?" He said like it was ussuall, and it was, but I already shared a dorm with Todoroki. I told him that, he wasn't very happy about it...
"You WHAT?!" He always needed to protect me and I was thankful to him for that, but sometimes it's a little problem
"Don't worry, I'm sleeping on the couch and [y/n] sleeps on the bed" Todoroki explained to Souta while me and Aizawa didn't dared to say anything. Souta looked a little while at Todoroki like he looked at the inside of him, searching if he says the truth or not.
"I keep an eye on you" he then said and turned away from him to Aizawa, who told him to go to a just renovated room. He nodded.

Timeskip: in your dorm

I sat on Todorokis bed in our room while he sat next to me. We heard a knock on the door. Todoroki told the person to come in and the person who came in was Souta. He sat down on the other side of me
"Hey little'one how about you tell me what happened?" Todoroki shacked his head
"Or better; how about you answer my questions" Souta looked at him and after some minutes he agreed whith hesitation. Todoroki thought a little about what he's going to ask
"Okay... First: why are you afraid of your Dad" Souta shacked his head
"I'm not afraid of my Dad" he tapped my forehead with his finger
"[y/n] is"

Todorokis pov

"[y/n] is" Souta said while he tapped the forehead of them. I asked why they're afraid of their Dad
"W-well you k-know... M-my Mom w-was k-killed?" They started to explain, I only nodded, not wanting to disturb them. They breathed deep in and out
"S-she... She... Sh-e" they stuttered more then ussuall. Suddenly they started started shaking and closed the eyes. I got worried but before I could do anything Souta hugged them
"It's okay I can say it" they nodded and hugged him tighter like he'd be the only one who could safe the life from them. Souta put them on his lap and they hid the face in his hoodie. I got jealous again, for no reason. Souta started explaining
"Dad killed Mom right in front of them, they saw everything... How the blood spattered, how Mom passed out and died agonizing... Everything." I got sad and angry at the same time. Many questions went through my head 'that's so harsh! I wish I could do anything for them...' Then something else got in my head
"Wait, wait, wait didn't you said you was 10 when your Mother was killed? Also WHY did he killed your mother??" I got angry at the Father of them. [y/n] looked again at me
"Y-yeah I w-was 10.." I asked again why he did it and showed my anger but instead of answer the two siblings looked at each other. I waited for them to ask. [y/n] nodded what made Souta shake his head
"All I remember is that Mom wanted to leave..." He sounded a little annoyed. [y/n] looked down and shacked the head
"Mom d-died because o-of me..."
"What?!" I asked but they ignored me
"We talked about that so often, you're not the reason why she's dead" Souta said, [y/n] denied it and said that he didn't even know what happened
"That's true! But I'm sure that you're not the reason! If you tell me what happened I could help you more!" He sounded very worried about them, just like me. I stayed quiet and only listened, hoping to get dome more informations. They shacked the head
"It's d-difficult, s-sad, h-hurts and n-need much t-time to e-explain" they wanted to say more but Souta cut them of by saying that he has time and that he alredy knew half of it.
"I have time too! But I know nothing" I now talked too. They tried to talk themself out of it, but got cut off again
"I can't help you if you don't tell me. Remember the many times I helped you with all? No matter what happened, you did or told me, I always saved you, helped you and was there for you"

Your pov

Souta told me about how he always help me and stuff but I was still not sure. I sat down on the bed again
"W-well that's r-right but...Y-you still d-don't know a-all" I looked at Todoroki and then at the floor
"I helped you too, and I won't stop it. Also tell me exactly what happened so I have more reasons to kill your Father"

This chapter is very late, I hope it's okay! And it's trash ;-^; I'm sorry, I tried my best. Hope you have/had a good day/night!
Words: 1137 :/

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