14. Chapter: Big brother

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"Gosh he's so annoying"
The unknown boy said

Todorokis pov

"Who are you?!" I asked, but everyone ignored me again, and the boy with the turquoise hair asked instead why everyone here is. 'What does he mean by everyone'. Suddenly [y/n] ran to the boy with the back-blue hair and hugged him, almost starting to cry
"I-I'm so h-happy that y-you're here..." The boy instantly hugged back, smiling a little. He was taller then [y/n], well [y/n] was really small, but he was really tall
"Heh, I've missed you too little'one" he said 'little'one?? Who the hell is he?' I couldn't help but got jealous for no reason.

??? Pov

I was searching for [y/n] when. I suddenly heard the voice of them
"I-I don't w-want h-home!" I looked around, seeing our Dad, the banished kid, a boy with two hair colors and [y/n]. They stood behind the red-white haired boy 'they seem to trust him' I thought and went to them, I still had my hood above my head. When I came near to them I heard what Dad was saying
"You remember what-" I knew what he was going to say and do, so I didn't hesitate and used my quirk on him, causing him to black out and fall onto the floor.
"Gosh he's so annoying" I said when he hit the ground. Everyone else looked at me.
"Who are you?!" The boy I didn't knew asked, I ignored him, since I didn't knew him he doesn't needed to know who I am. Everyone else did it like me
"Well, why's everyone here?" The banished boy asked. I couldn't remember his name, only that he was the little brother from Chiyoko and that he was banished from the village. [y/n] ran to me, hugged me and said that they are happy that I'm here. I put down my hood and hugged them back. They was much smaller then me. I missed those hugs.
"Heh I missed you too little'one" I smiled a little, I was so happy that they could escape from home. It's really better for them. Suddenly the white-red haired boy got a little angry, or was it jealousy?
"Little'one?! Who are you two?!" He looked at the banished boy then at me and [y/n]
"I thought you're scared of being touched?!" He said to [y/n] and he was right, they are scared of being touched. 'Whoever he is, he should just shut up' [y/n] let go of me and turned to the boy.
"M-may I I-introduce you t-to my b-big brother Souta" they pointed to me, I just looked away, in the sky. 'Nice and kind as always...' I thought
"A-And this I-is Chiko" they then pointed to the banished boy. 'So his name was Chiko, actually easy to remember, since his sisters name is Chiyoko and her name would I never forget'
"Souta I-is the o-only one w-who can t-touch me, b-because I t-trust him" [y/n] continued to explain 'who is he?!' I thought and looked a the two haired boy
"And who are you?" Chiko asked the question that was just going through my head. He introduced himself as 'Todoroki Shoto' and then looked down at my Dad that was laying on the floor, sleeping.
"But, [l/n]-"

Your pov

"But [l/n]-" Souta interrupted Todoroki. 'He'll probably say that Todoroki should call him by his first name since he hates his last name just like me'
"Call me by my first name, I hate my last name" he said with his always, a little annoyed, motionless, deep voice what I thought. Todoroki looked at him with a unbelievable look but then continued with what he was asking
"Souta, what did you do to your father?!" He asked confused and shocked.
"Used my quirk" he answered, short like always. He may look and act like a mean and bad person, be Souta is actually a really good big brother! And he's just as nice as Mom was! He only needs to warm up to you
"Why?" Todoroki pointed on me
"They're scared of your Father! Why? What happened?! I'm so confused!" He asked with a sad voice, but it sounded a little angry too. Souta only looked down at our Dad too and said with a calm voice, like he would say 'thank you'
"Mind your own business." I shacked my head and looked up at him. He was tall, really tall, but I was really short too. I told him that it's fine, that he me saved from the LoV and that he deserves to know it. Souta only shakes his head too
"It's none of his business anyways, maybe in the afternoon" he softened his voice every time he speaks with me. I sometimes got annoyed that everyone protected and was carefully with me. Chiko came closer to us, he stopped walking to us at the moment he saw our Dad
"But I'm confused too, everyone says that you two get on well with your father" he asked. I heard Souta mumble something about he wants to go or something
"As I said, it is nobodys buisness, especially Chiyokos brother not" he then said loud. Todoroki got more confused too, he asked who Chiyoko was.
At the end it was all one big mess of confusing and secrets.

Hey everyone! I'm trying to update as much I can. I try to upload now at least one chapter every 1-3 days. I hope that it's fine for you all! Hope you all have/had a nice day/night!
Words: 960 sadly some less then normal :/

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