2. Chapter: Introductions

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Wahoo! Chapter 2 is here! I did my best! Hope you guys enjoy :3

Your Pov

Btw my name is Todoroki Shoto
His name is beautiful, sadly I can't tell him my name


We went outside and met two girls. The one had brown hair and brown eyes, the other had pink hair with horns? and black-golden eyes? And pink skin? 'She looks like an alien'
"Hey!" The brown haired girl said and then noticed me
"Awwwwww what a cute kid!!" The alien girl now noticed me too and looked confused at Todoroki, I shaked my head, 'I'm definitely not cute'
"Why is there a kid with you?" She asked confused while the brown haired girl went to me and looked at me. I backed away a little. Todoroki explained quickly and short that he saved me, now takes care of me, that I'm 15 and why I look like a little kid. The brown haired girl smiled at me, that's the second time today that someone smiled at me! 'What is going on? Is that a dream? Nobody smiled kindly at me for the last 6 or more years'
"My name is Uraraka Ochako, what's your name?" She got me out of my thoughts, well, I couldn't answer so what else could I do then looking at her. The alien girl went to me too and looked at me confused
"They has no voice" Todoroki said monotone and a little annoyed, I was wondering why he mostly talks monotone, but how could I ask him? The pink alien looked now confused at him, while the brown haired girl just stood there and still looked at me. 'She's creepy' I thought and take a step back
"What do you mean?" The alien asked, but it was obvious what Todoroki meant, maybe she was just to confused to get it.
"I mean that they can't speak, because they has no voice" he explained again and I nodded. I looked at the alien and wanted to go to her to get a better look of her but Uraraka tried to hurt me!
"Oh, you poor little thing"

Todorokis Pov.

"Oh you poor little thing" Uraraka said and tried to pat them, but they ran to me and hid behind my leg, we all were confused. I already knew that they was really scared of people. 'I'm wondering why they acts like that'
"They seems to be very scared?" Mina said what was obvious. They only nodded and hugged my leg, still hiding behind it. 'Does they trust me?' I asked myself, I was a little happy that they hid behind my leg and didn't ran away or something.
"What did the LoV to You That you're that scared" I got a little annoyed of the girls and wanted to go to the dorms
"Idk lets just go to the dorms" I looked at the Girls, then to the them. 'I would like to know the name of them' I thought, we then started walking to the dorms leaving the girls alone.

Timeskip: by the dorms, in the main room

Your Pov.

We went to the dorms and as soon as we arrived in the main room, a small green haired boy with green eyes came to us.
"Hey Todoroki! Why do you have a kid with you?" He asked and smiled a little. 'He looks so cute and kind' I thought and instantly didn't trust him. Every kind person in my life was just kind to me so that they could take advantage of it and hurt me.
"I saved them from the LoV and now they stays here for awhile" Todoroki explained short, and just the half. A boy with an angry and annoyed look came to us. He had ash blond hair and his red eyes filled more with annoyance when he saw me.
"Hey Icy'hot why is here a f***ing kid?!" 'Icy'hot? Because of his hair? Or his quirk?' The green haired boy took a step away from the blonde, like he was scared. Todoroki sighed
"I saved them and now it stays here for awhile" he said again, a little annoyed. The blonde went to the couch in front of a TV and looked at his phone
"Tch. Whatever" the green haired boy now kneel down in front of me and gave me a closed eye smile. 'He's so cute, but I can't trust him. What if he's like all the others'
"What's your Name? My Name is Midoriya Izuku" I smiled back at him, sad. I would say him my name but I can't. He looked at me and waited for me to answer his question. I looked up at Todoroki.
"They can't speak" he explained why I didn't answered
"What do you mean they can't speak?! They're 5! Kids at the age of 5 can usually speak!!" The blonde screamed from the couch and looked at us. 'Did he listened all the time..?' I asked myself. Midoriya stood up and looked a little confused at Todoroki so I looked at him to. He seemed to be a little angry but also annoyed.
"First: they're 15 and got hit by a quirk that makes them a little kid! Second: they don't have a voice so they can't speak!" Midoriya and the blonde looked both suprised at him, I didn't know why, maybe because of the fact that I don't have a voice?
"Oh that's so sad" Midoriya said and really looked sad while the blonde just said:
"Tch, you two annoy me" and went out of the main room, probably to his dorm. Suddenly Midoriya looked much happier, I thought it was because the blonde left but I was wrong. 'I still don't the Name of the blonde' I thought while Midoriya asked:
"But if they're 15, can't they then write?" He was right, I can write, but what was his idea? Todoroki seemed to know what he Beat because he said
"Idk lets try that!" And left. While he left Midoriya smiled at me with closed eyes, again!! 'Where am I?!' I just thought
"You're so sweet!" Midoriya then said with a cute voice, I just took a step back and shacked my head. I then saw a boy with red spicy hair and red eyes entered the room and went to us
"Oh Midoriya, from where did the cute kid come?" He asked happy. I shacked my had at the 'cute kid' part and looked at him, he looked a little scary with his hair so I backed away. Both looked at me then
"Huh? What's wrong?" Midoriya asked, still a little smiling, I stayed quiet. 'Did he forgot that I have no voice?' I was right.
"I'm sorry, I forgot that" he smiled his closed eye-smile while saying that. He was so kind and cute! The red head looked at Midoriya, then at me, confused.
"Forgot what?and why doesn't they answer?" He asked. At this moment Todoroki came back
"I got the paper and pen!" I ran to him and hid a little behind his leg, not used to the kindness of Midoriya and a little scared of the red head. I trusted him that he will protect me from them if they would attack me.

1217 words, a little more but still not that much :/ I hope you guys enjoyed! I did my best!

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