7. Chapter: he found me

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He pointed at me and his look was filled with so much anger that I flinched
Nobody ever looked that angry at me, and I got a lot of angry looks

Todorokis Pov.

Shigaraki said that [y/n] hurt him and looked angry at them. I looked confused to them, how could they hurt him 'did they... Used the quirk of them? But they said they couldn't control it...?'. [y/n] shacked the head and looked as confused as me.
"Let [l/n] go!!" Midoriya stepped forward. Dabi ran to him, ready to burn him to death
"Never!" I made an icy wall in front of Midoriya, so didn't got hit from the fire. He looked shocked at me
"Thank you Todoroki-Kun!" He thanked me. I shacked my head
"No problem, just be careful" Dabi tried again to attack but Aizawa got him under control by wrapping his scarf around him. I'm still wondering how he can control his scarf like that.
"And don't get hurt!" He said. Dabi tried to get rid of the scarf while saying much swears but it didn't worked. He looked around to Shigaraki.
"F*ck! Shigaraki!!" He yelled at him fir help, but Shigaraki just went to [y/n]. I instantly got angry at him. I throwed ice at him, stopping him walking to them.
"Don't go closer to them!" I said filled with anger 'what's going on with me?' I thought. I looked around to notice that Midoriya was gone.

Broccolis Pov.

I sneaked behind the chair [l/n] was tied to. They noticed instantly and looked at me. I out a finger on my lips
"Sshhhh! Be quiet!" The look of them turned to a sad and little annoyed glance. I then noticed what I just said and felt bad
"Omg I'm so sorry!" I whispered sad but they just smiled a cute smile that said that everything is fine. Nobody noticed me.

3rd person Pov.

The villain Shigaraki tried to touch Todoroki, who was here to save again [y/n]. Before Shigaraki could touch him, Todoroki freezed him so that he can't move anymore. He glanced at the boy like he was ready to kill him as soon as he would be free. While that happened the green broccoli boy removed the ties to free [y/n]. They instantly ran to the person who came to save them again. Todoroki shoto. The eyes of them were wet and they was about to cry when Todoroki kneel down in front of them, saying calming words

Your Pov.

"Everything is okay now! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" 'he apologized! But I had to apologize for getting him in trouble!' I started crying and hug him. He rubbed my back, calming me down.
"The police should be here soon" Aizawa said. I hid my face in Todorokis chest, crying until someone came in again...

Todorokis Pov.

[y/n] hid the face in my chest, still crying, until someone came again in the room. The door opened and Toga came in with a black haired man with dark yellow eyes they were cold and without any feeling in it. He wear a black suit. [y/n] let go if me and hid behind me before Toga and the man could notice them. Toga looked suprised when she saw that Shigaraki and Dabi couldn't fight.
"What's going on?!" She asked. I heard footsteps and she probably too
"That most be the police" Aizawa said. 'When did he got the time to call them?' I thought when i suddenly noticed that the man looked around like he was searching something, or someone.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked this man with a little anger, since [y/n] is hiding from him. Midoriya got ready for a fight and toga pulled out a knife
"We should go and come back later!" She said while she pulled it out. The man ignored us all and kept looking around
"You said you catch them" je said with a deep scary voice that didn't really fit to his look

Your Pov.

Everyone looked at him. For me it was obvious that he meant me. I just hoped that nobody makes him notice I'm here, because if he would, he would take me back 'home' and I didn't wanted that. Midoriya seem to understand first and he did exactly the thing i hoped nobody does.
"What does that mean?" He asked while looking at me. Then my Dad noticed that I was hiding and he looked behind Todoroki.
"Ah, there you are!" I flinched under his eyes and I hid my face in Todorokis back. 'He found me...!' He seem to notice that I'm nervous, because he sounded a little angry
"Who are you?!" He asked. I heard steps getting closer and Dabi mumbling that sounded like
"Where Kurogiri when you need him the most!" Toga seemed to get more nervous too.
"We should really go or we're getting in jail!!" My Dad got annoyed from her, I could saw that
"We're coming back, my child!!" He then said, disappearing with Toga with his quirk. I stared to cry again, Todoroki turned around and hugged me
"Sshhhh everything is okay!" He began to rub my back again, but nothing was okay with me at this moment. 'Nothing is okay! He found me! He will bring me back to my 'home'! What did I do to deserve this!?!'

Here's the chapter, some of you waiting so long!! I hope that u like and enjoyed it! Again sorry for bot updating!
Words: 935 that are not many :/

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