12. Chapter: school beginn

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...what happened to them that they're that scared?!'
I thought while I changed in my school uniform.

Timeskip: in school

Your pov

"Here's your uniform, go change and give me please the drawing, or whatever, from your hero suit" Aizawa said to me when I walked in class. He gave me the school uniform and I gave him the drawing. I walked back to dorms to change since I didn't know where the toilets were.

Timeskip: after changing

I walked back to class when I walked past a boy that looked familiar to me.
"Hey you!" The boy said, I turned around, looking if he means me.
"Yes you! Wait!" He said again and caught up to me. He began to speak, out of air
"Hey!... Aren't you the daughter/son of the chief?... From [r/vn]" I looked at him suprised 'how can he know about the village? Is he from there? Maybe that's why he looks so familiar to me...'
"H-How do y-you know a-about the v-village?" I asked. His glance changed to a sad expression
"So you are?! I'm so sorry!!" He bowed just got more confused
"W-what? For w-what?" I asked, hoping for a good answer. He didn't stopped bowing while speaking
"For my sister! It's Chiyoko!! I'm sorry for all what she did!!" My eyes widened 'Chiyokos brother? He doesn't even looks familiar to her...' He bowed deeper
"I'm so sorry for what she did! Please forgive her, and don't think I'm like her!!" He apologized again. I nodded and looked around
"W-what are y-you doing? S-stand back u-up... P-please" he nodded, stood back up and reached his hand to me
"Of course, I'm sorry. My name is Chiyoko" he introduced himself, and now I knew who he was
"C-Chiko? Oh! N-Now I k-know who y-you are!" I said, he looked embarrassed at the floor
"Yes I'm the boy who was banished from the village" I was about to introduce myself too but he interrupted me
"I already know your name" I nodded and remembered that I still had class
"O-okay, I s-should go n-now" he nodded any told me that he's in the 2B, I told him that I'm in 1A and then he left. I went to my class too.

Timeskip: in class

I had to sit next to Midoriya, but at the moment we we're outside, waiting for Aizawa to explain the 'game'
"Do you all see the circle on the floor?" Everyone nodded
"In this circle you will all fight one to one." Now everyone sighed I only listened to what he said
"If someone comes out of the circle or gives up the fight ends immediately" he paused for a short time to think about something. Then he continued
"We start with [y/n] against Bakugou" I looked around. 'Bakugou was who again?' I thought when suddenly the one loud ash blonde boy went in the circle.
"I hope Bakugou won't hurt them to much" I heard Uraraka saying.
"He won't hold back" I heard Midoriya answer. I went to the circle 'the first thing is that he won't hold back. Now I have to find out what his quirk is...' I thought
"Don't think I'm holding back only because your new or something" his always angry voice let me flinch. I nodded and got into a fighting position.

So as I said I have school now again, and I'm really busy with studying and things like that, so the next chapters will be shorter. I hope that's okay, and thank you for reading!!
Words: 616

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