16. Chapter: Arguing and fight time

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"I helped you too and I'll never stop it. Also tell me exactly what happened, so I have more reasons to kill your Father"
Todorokis with anger filled voice got monotone again

Your pov

I looked shocked at him 'he would do that... Because of me?' Souta agreed to him
"Well I would do that too, but he's still our Dad..." He looked away for a short moment, then came back to the actual theme and grabbed my shoulders
"Tell me-" I flinched and took his hand away from my shoulders, they still hurt from the fight. I said that it hurts, but not why.
"What? Why?!" He asked, ready to kill the person who did this to me.
"Bakugou hut them in a fight!" He said it like he wanted that he hurts Bakugou. Souta got up immediately and made a death threat on Bakugou.
"N-No! It's okay! I-I'm f-fine!" I tried to calm him down, he only shakes his head and didn't do a move to stop
"Calm down! I want to know what happened and you can go to him later!!" Todoroki now tried to calm him down too. Souta only looked at me a last time before he left the room to go to the main room.

Soutas pov

After I heard what this 'Bakugou' did I went down to this main room and asked a girl with pink hair and skin where he is.
"What do you want from him?" She sounded actually interested, I said I only wanted to talk to him, what was a little lie but I didn't cared. Then she started yelling in the hallway I just came from
"BAKUGOU SOMEONE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!!" Only a few seconds later a deep rough voice answered from a room. I couldn't see what room sadly.
"AND WHY TF SHOULD I CARE?!!" He yelled back. The girl didn't answered, I asked why she didn't answered but she only told me to wait. I heard loud footsteps on the hallway, comming near the main room. A blonde boy with a black shirt and a gray house-trouser went in the room, behind him I could see [y/n] and this two hair boy Todoroki.
"Who wanted to talk to me?!!" The blonde boy asked 'so this is Bakugou' I thought I went to him
"Me. You hurt my little'one"

Your pov

I facepalmed and looked at the floor, mumbling why he has to do call me that every time.
"And who the hell is that?!" Bakugou asked Souta nodded to me
"Oh, sure, but they won the fight anyway" Bakugou sounded very angry and annoyed, Souta punched him in the face
"I don't care, hurt them again and I'll kill you" I flinched again and wanted to walk to Souta and stop him but Todoroki hold me back
"Don't, you'll just get hurt!" He talked quiet Bakugou freaked out and asked if he had a death wish. Souta disagreed to that and walked back to me. I wanted to ask why he did that but before I could do that Bakugou freaked out more and said a sequence of almost every curs I ever heard to Souta
"Woah calm down" Mina said to Bakugou, even though Souta just punched him for a really silly reason. I wanted to ask again why Souta punched Bakugou, but I got again no chance. Souta turned around to Bakugou again and grabbed his shirt, Souta was a little shorter then him but could still look him perfectly in the eyes
"Maybe you were the big, strong, one, who doesn't have to be afraid of anyone or anything but now I'm here, so damn back with your words" he really sounded angry, it wasn't ussuall that he shows his emotion, he don't even shows them much to me. That only pissed off Bakugou even more
"Oh you BASTARD!!! Try to prove that you're the stronger one!! FIGHT ME!" Souta let go of him and said that he wouldn't survive that. I could see that Bakugou was about to explode the whole building and obviously to not explode the whole building he threw an explosion on Souta. I squeeze Soutas name, scared that he would be hurt, only because of me, 'again' After the smoke left I could see that Soutas eyes were red
"So you really want to fight? Fine!" I got worried that he overuses it, even if he can use his eyes without worries for almost seven hours. He saw that I was worried
"Don't worry I only use my eyes" he tried to calm me down but it didn't really helped
"Stop fighting!" I screamed but I wasn't the only one screaming it. I looked behind me, Kirishima stood there and looked really worried too. Mina asked when he got here only answered that he heard yelling. Bakugou ran to Souta but before he could do anything Aizawa came out of nowhere, hold him back with his scarf and erased his quirk
"If you two don't stop fighting I'll arrest you both! Souta you're new! By attention to the rules!! Bakugou stop being so aggressive!! You two stay tomorrow in the classroom to talk about that more!! An you ALL go to sleep now!" Soutas eyes got normal instantly said that he got it, then said goodnight to me, patted me and walked away. Aizawa let Bakugou go said goodnight too and left. I heard Bakugou mumbling something while he walked past me. Me and Todoroki went to our dorm too.

Timeskip: after changing, in your dorm

Todorokis pov

I walked to the couch after I changed. Before I lay down i looked to [y/n], they was turned to the wall so I couldn't see if they was already asleep or not. I still said goodnight, lay down and fell asleep fast.

Timeskip: midnight

I woke up by the sound of someone crying. First I tried to ignore it, the window was open so it could be only someone from outside. I failed so I stood up to look who was crying. When I stood up I saw that [y/n] was turned around so I could see the face of them and that they were crying, I got worried impatiently for some reason. 'Why are they crying? What happened? Again a bad dream? Why does they always have nightmares?' I ignored all the questions in my head and went more near to them, only to see that they're still asleep. I wanted to wake them up but before I could they woke up themselve
"Oh, you woke up"

I'm sorry that this came a little late, but the next should come sooner again because I'm ill and don't go to school for tomorrow. Hope you have/had a good day/night.
Words: 1144

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