9. Chapter: My D-Dad...

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"Th-thank you b-but that n-not true"
He shacked his head and opened the door for me
"It is! Now lets eat breakfast" I only nodded and we went through the hallway in the room where we eat. Mina was the first who noticed us and me being back to normal
"Oh [y/n] is back to normal!" I looked at the floor under the glance from everyone in the room
"Yes I-i am" Kaminari came to us with a confused look
"Whoa I thought you can't speak?!" He asked. Before I could answer, Midoriya popped up behind me, made me flinch and back away a little
"They actually said that they can speak when they're back to normal" he said and he was right, Kaminari nodded. Mina smiled at me
"I like your voice!" 'Again a compliment?! How  did I got here and how can I stay here forever?' I thought, not really believing that all were true. I smiled a little back at her
"That's n-nice from y-you but I-I still d-don't have a-a voice. I-I sound l-like you I-imagine I w-would" her smile disappeared and she shacked her head
"Oh right, it's your quirk, like you said" I only nodded. Uraraka came to us. She looked a little at me, smiled and then asked:
"What do you all want to eat?" I didn't really wanted to eat something, but I had to so I told her what I wanted, like everyone. 'Maybe she lets me help her? I have to do something to thank everyone.' I thought and asked her that. She nodded, happy that someone helps her.
"Sure! Thank you"

Timeskip: after making and eating breakfast

Mina went to me, put her arm on my shoulders and looked excited at me. I flinched at her touch
"Tell me everything the villains did to you!" I slowly and gentle put her arm away from my shoulders and took a step back, a little scared of her exciting.
"T-they only t-tied me t-to a ch-chair" I looked at the floor, 'that was only the half truth but I won't tell them that they kicked me, it would just annoy them' I thought while Kirishima went to us and looked a little confused
"But you have a scare there" he pointed at a scar on my neck
"That wasn't there before!"

Todorokis pov.

Mina and Kirishima talked to [y/n] but I didn't really talked with them, I just listened.
"But you have a scar there, that wasn't there before!" Kirishima said. I looked to them and saw him pointing at the neck from [y/n]. I got up, went to them and looked at [y/n] neck. I then realized a big scar. The scar looked like someone had tried to kill them by cutting the carotid artery apart 'but they hadn't try to kill themself right? They would never do that...right?' I thought while I waited for an answer. She looked like she decided what to answer. They then covered the scar with one hand and sighed
"W-well that w-wasn't the v-villains, that I-is from a-an a-accident" Kirishima seemed to believe them, but I wasn't sure if they told the truth but I didn't asked.
"I tell you what happened" Midoriya said and he told everyone

Timeskip: after telling and explaining everything

Your pov.

"And you don't know who this man with toga was?" Mina asked about my Dad. I wanted to tell them that he's my Dad, but what if they then think that I'm a villain because he was with the villains? Midoriya shacked his head 'no' Todoroki glanced at me, he also looked like he didn't really believed me when I said that the scar on my neck was from an 'accident' it wasn't true, but it wasn't wrong.
"He said 'my child to [l/n]" I flinched a little when he said my last name. I looked at the floor
"W-well... H-he's my D-dad... And p-please... E-everyone call m-me by m-my first n-name..." I said, not looking up from the floor. I just wanted to go somewhere I'm alone and where I can hide from everyone. Midoriya glanced interesting at me
"Your Dad? So your Dad is a villain?" He wasn't right, but he wasn't wrong too. I thought a little about what I can say and then tried to explain as good as I could
"N-not directly... H-he just a-act one b-but doesn't r-really I-Is one...?" The others seemed to understood me. Then Kirishima looked like he was thinking about something. Before I could ask he asked:
"But if he's your Dad, why don't you go with him? He's probably worried! Even though he acts like a villain" I wanted to answer and say why but I was interrupted by Midoriya who joined Kirishima
"Your Mom is probably worried too!" That reminded me that she'd be worried, if she were still alive, but she isn't.
"M-" I got again interrupted, this time by Mina
"Don't you want home?" She asked and looked a little sad at me. 'Home? I don't have a home... Only a place where I life' I thought while shaking my head
"No I don't want 'home'" Kirishima shacked his head
"But your parents are probably worried! Think of that too! Not only of yourself" that hurts me. I looked again at the floor trying to hold back my tears. 'My whole life I tried to be nice and only think of others... And now... When I try to safe myself from all the hate I couldn't handle anymore... They say I should think more of others...' Todoroki noticed that I tried to hold back tears and pulled me on his chest. U didn't defend. He was the whole time quiet and just listened
"I-... I d-don't think m-my Dad i-is worried a-about me..." I answered, hiding my face in Todorokis chest. I could hear in Todorokis breath that he was shocked.
"Why? And what is with your Mom?" I heard the sadness in Kaminaris voice when he said that. 'no... I don't want pity... pull yourself together!' I thought to myself and looked at Kirishima, who went silent after what I said. He looked like he regretted something.
"M-my mom w-was k-killed when I-I was 10..." I swallowed
"A-and my D-Dad doesn't c-care about m-me..."

Another Chapter! Hope you all enjoyed! Tried my best! My school starts tomorrow so I'll try to make the next chapters earlier. Hope you all have a nice day/night!!
Words: 1138

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