2K special - in the mall

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This is a special for the 2K reads! Thank you all so much and enjoy!

3rd person pov

The so called [y/n] got dragged in the mall by 5 peoples, three girls, two boys.
"So, where do we go first?!" The alien like, enthusiastic girl asked
"I know a good clothes shop!" A black haired girl with a ponytail answered and started walking, followed by all the others.
"Yes! This shop has some good things! Lets go!" They all went it, looking at clothes, trying some on, everyone besides [y/n]. They stayed with Kirishima all the time and helped him searching for clothes. Why? Because they knows Kirishima from all the longest time and he was very kind
"Don't you want to get some clothes yourself?" The red head said to the shy person in front of him. They nodded, hesitated a little, but then spoke
"I-I'm too s-scared to g-go alone..." 'It was a stupid idea to go with them...' They thought, but at the end it wasn't. Kirishima smiled and said that it was alright
"I can go with you, or ask one of the girls to go with you! There's no problem! You have only to get used to this" they only nodded as an answer. As if the girls heard you both, all of them looked to you, what made you quickly look at the floor, letting your [h/l] hair fall in your face. The girls whispered under them for short, then Mina walked to you and the red haired boy. Saying:
"Sorry, Kiriboy, I'll take them now with me." She grabbed the wrist of them and dragged them to the other girls
"Lets find some clothes for you!" Yaoyorozu said, looking at you, Uraraka took a pair of jeans from the barre, looked at me and asked with a smirk
"Or do you prefer skirts?" I went red a little, told her flustered and silent that I don't like wearing skirt or anything what shows much skin. I told everyone that I prefer long jeans and oversized hoodies
"Alright! Lets find something!"

Timeskip: around 30min later

Your pov

After trying many clothes on and after getting many recommends and compliments, I finally found some good clothes for me; a [f/c] long warm hoodie, a light blue jeans with a few little stars on it and a hat that I only took because it was getting cold outside and this eine looked warm.
"Hey [y/n]! Look what I found, it would fit you good!" Kirishima said, walking to me with a white hoodie in his arms
"let m-me see..." I said as I took the hoodie, it was fluffy and had a hood, when I looked at the hood i saw that it had fleece in it, but I also saw that it had cat ears on it. I wanted to say something about that but before I could Kirishima told me to look what stand on the hoodie so I looked: 'too cute for this world'
"K-Kirishima-kun... I-I don't t-think..."
"Yes it does, take it." He smiled at me
"Woah! That fits perfectly for you! If you don't buy it I'll do it for you!" Mina showed up behind you looking at the hoodie from above your shoulder
"Should we go pay then?" Uraraka asked and everyone agreed
"I'll pay for you! You're the first time shopping with us so I'd love to do that for you!" Yaoyorozy said to me
"Y-you don't h-have to, a-and it's a-actually the f-first time a-at all that I-I go sh-shop-ping"
"Oh? Then I'll definitely pay for you!" She said then and I couldn't do anything against that, so she paid for me and after that Kirishima even took the bad with my clothes
"Hey Kiri can you take mine too?!" Mina asked, so it went that Sero and Kirishima had to carry the bags from all the girls, but since that wasn't much it was okay, I guess
"A-are you s-sure that y-you don't n-need help?" I asked the two boys again
"Yeah we're totally fine" Sero said and smiled
"Who's hungry?! Let go eat!!" Mina said enthusiastically and we all agreed, since everyone was hungry
"I know a good Italy restaurant!" Yaoyorozu said
"Nah lets go to McDonald's" Mina said, they both argued a bit, but then agreed to just going to McDonald's

Timeskip: at McDonald's

Your pov

We sat on a table and everyone ordered what they wanted
"Soo, [y/n], we now like nothing about you" Sero said
"Yeah, like, where do you come from?? And why are you like you are?"
"Also, this girl Chiyoko, or something, why is she so mean to you?"
"And Souta is so cold and monotone, but to you not! That's cute but why is that like that?"
"I heard your Dad is very brutal and isn't like how a dad is supposed to be!"
"I mean you said that your Dad killed your mom?"
"Yeah why would he do that!"
"I would really like to know that!"
"Me too!"
"[y/n] are you even listening?!"
"Hey, is everything alright?"
No, nothing was fine. I wasn't even a little used to get much attention and be the only thing about what everyone is talking, all these questions, sentences, it was just too much for me
"Y-yes everything I-is fine I-I'm... J-just n-ot used t-to get m-much a-at-tention..."
"Oh we're sorry" Sero said, before anything else could get said, our food came and we all began to eat. Well, every one besides me. I was only eating a few fries, not really hungry
"What's wrong? Are you not hungry?" Kirishima asked me, I nodded
"Alright, then I'll eat your food" Uraraka said and took my food, I only sat there. It was a pretty good day and it was fun to go with them. After everyone was done with eating, we went back to the dorms.

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