4. Chapter: My quirk

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"You sleep on the bed"
Todoroki said, but where will he sleep?

Your Pov

I pointed on him with a questioning look. There was only one bed and the couch didn't really looked like it's comfortable to sleep on it. The couch also was definitely to small
"Where I sleep?" He asked, I nodded. 'Does he mean that he sleeps on the couch? I don't want that he sleeps on it just because me...' I thought, but he said exactly that
"I sleep on the couch" I shacked my head, pointed at him then at the bed, then at me and to the couch, trying to say him that he should sleep on the bed and I on the couch. he seemed to understood it
"No!" He picked me up and let me down on his bet. I tried to defend but he was to strong
"Do not even try it" he said soft. I then sighted, lay down and put the blanket over me, a little scared that otherwise he'll hurt me, even though he said it soft. He went to the couch and did something with it so it got bigger and he had more space on it, then he ly down. I needed hours to finally fall asleep.

Timeskip: next morning

Todorokis Pov.

I worked up by hearing a sob. I sat up and looked to [y/n]. 'They're crying?! A nightmare?!' I got up and walked to them. I then realized that they were shaking too! I was about to woke them up, but they just woke up by they Owo. I didn't waste much time
"Are you okay?! It was just a nightmare!?" I said, sit down next to them and hugged them, even though I knew that they didn't like physical contact. Surprisingly they hugged me back, still crying and shaking. I tried to calm them down by rubbing the back of them
"Sshhhh everything is fine, you're safe here" I gave them a little smile. They slowly calmed down and stopped shaking, but I didn't stopped rubbing the back of them. They calmed down completely and started to defend against the hug. I let go of them, glad that they're feeling better now
"Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" I said calm and as soft as I could, trying not to scare them or something like that. They just shacked the head. I accepted that, but I had a question...
"Okay, but I have a question, why are you scared of being touched?" I asked my question, they looked at me, like they decided what to do. Then they took the paper, write on it and gave it to me: 'I'm scared because a lot of things that happened in the past, that's also why I have those nightmares' ''those nightmares' does that mean they're having more nightmares?' I insanely wanted to help them, i don't know why.
"Do you want to say, or write Walt happened?" They shared the head. I was a little sad but accepted it. Someone knocked on the door.
"hey Todoroki, are you awake? We want to eat breakfast" Kirishima said. I nodded
"Yes, I'm coming with [y/n]" I said and stood up
"Okay!" I heard him walk away. I went to the bathroom to change.

Your Pov.

Todoroki went to the bathroom and closed the door. He just comforted me. I had a nightmare, again. I wiped the last tears away. I always have those nightmares, every night and I could do anything against them. It's always the same; something from the past.

Timeskip: with the others

Your Pov.

We entered a room where very much people were, I insanely felt a little uncomfortable. One boy with yellow hair with a black flash went to us when he saw me.
"A child? Did I missed something?" He asked confused. Another boy with black hair that went straight down his head now noticed me too and went to us, just like the yellow head.
"Yeah, why do you have a kid with you" I felt more and more uncomfortable and Todoroki seemed to get more annoyed.
"For all, I'm not going to say it one more time: I saved them from the LoV and now they stay here until they got back to normal."
"Back to normal?" The black haired girl from yesterday asked. Todoroki got just more annoyed and sighted
"Ussually they're 15 but got hit by a quirk." I nodded and hid a little behind his leg because I rgot so much attention
"Also they have no voice so they can't speak, but we know the name of them, it's [l/n] [y/n]" Midoriya said. The girl from yesterday and the black haired boy seemed sad
"Oh that's so sad, btw my Name is Yaoyorozu Momo" Yaoyorozu introduced herself.
"My name is Sero Hanta and the year haired boy here..." he pointed at the boy next to him with the black flash in his hair
"...is Kaminari Denki" Sero introduced him and Kaminari, he seemed to be in his thoughts
"Do you don't have a voice, because of a quirk?" He suddenly asked you. Todoroki and everyone else looked at me with questionnaire looks. I hid more behind Todorokis leg and shacked my head. I never had a voice and not because of a quirk.
"You mean you were born without a voice?" Sero asked, I nodded. Nobody knows exactly why, but my mom and my big brother didn't cared. Yes, i had a big brother.
"This is going to be SO HARD and ANNOYING to understand you always" The ash blonde from yesterday nearly yelled. I flinched 'he's so loud... Why is he so loud?' I thought then Kirishima came to us
"We have to paper and pen!" He said. 'There are more people comming...' I thought and stood now completly behind Todorokis leg, just peeking sometimes. Todoroki turned to me
"I'll be right back okay?" He said and started walking away before I could answer. 'Now I'm alone with so many people' I thought and got a little scared.
"So you always talk to us like that?" Yaoyorozu asked, I shakes my head Kaminari looked very confused at you
"Why do you shake your head?" He asked. In this moment Todoroki came back with the paper and pen
"Got it!" Just right in time so I can explain my quirk. He gave me the paper and pen and I started writing: 'one of my quirk is thoughts control. I can control thoughts with it, then its like I would really speak, but without moving my mouth. But when I was so young I couldn't control my quirks' I showed everyone the paper
"That makes it way easier to understand you" Kirishima said. Uraraka came up to us
"Can we stop talking and start eating now?" She asked, everyone agreed and we sat down to eat breakfast.

Timeskip: after the breakfast

Todorokis Pov.

"So your quirk is thoughts control?" Midoriya asked smiling 'why is he so interested in quirks?' I thought, the most people were already gone. They nod, but Uraraka said what seemed that nobody had noticed:
"Didn't they said 'one of my quirks'?" They nod again 'does that means they have two quirks, just like me?' Suddenly they took the paper, wrote again and then let me read it out loud:
"'Yes I have two quirks, my other quirk is reality control'" Midoriya seemed to like that and got more interested and opened his note book, ready to write everything down
"Reality control, can you explain what that exactly means?" They nodded again and took the paper. They wrote really long, then gave the paper to me. I started reading
"'Sure! First I'm immortal. I can just die, if I kill myself. With my quirk I can distort, destroy and change the reality plus I can create everything I want. Change means that, as an example, I can make sure that nobody knows you anymore, Luke you never existed distort means that I can deform. as an example, this table, or another example: I can stand meters away from you and can still hurt you. Destroy means that I can just, as an example,let this table disappear that I can create everything means just that I can literally Croat everything I want, as an example, an invisible wall. BUT I have a weakness. When I use my quirk for to long or to oft, I lose the control and destroy and kill everything and everyone who's in way or newt to me, and this is the least harmless thing that can happen." That was really very strong
"W-wow that's very s-strong" Midoriya said stuttering but quickly returned to making notes. Wait when they're...
"When you're that strong, why didn't you fight against Toga?" I asked. Uraraka nodded, while Midoriya was just focused at his notes. They nodded, took the paper out of my hand and wrote something
"They hit me with the quirk before I even noticed that they were here and when I was that young I couldn't control my quirks"
"EXACTLY" A voice yelled behind us

Cut! Love making cliffhangers, even though the most of you already know what's going to happen! I'm again sorry for updating so late!! Please forgive me:(
Words: 1560

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