18. Chapter: destroyed world

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"You really want to know? Fine! I'll tell you!"
He said and looked at me

Your pov

"It's because of your quirk! You have the quirk of your mother! Souta is supposed to have it! Not you!!" He started, I already knew that, but to hear it directly from him hurts more then I thought 'that's your own fault... You made him say that, now live with it...'. Then Dad started to count the reasons why I shouldn't have been the owner
"You're too nice, too shy, too fragile, too weak, too considerate, too sensitive, you are completely the opposite of what you should be!! YOU ARE NOT WORTHY YOUR QUIRKS!!" I flinched. That was one thing I knew too, but to hear it like that, and from your own Father, hurts more then I wanted to. I stared at him.
"B-but you c-can't do a-anything a-against that a-and you c-can't k-kill m-me, I'm I-immortal" He glanced at me angrily
"Exactly. That's why everyone hates you!" My eyes filled with tears again 'what...?'
"Everyone thought that you're going to be a good new chief with the quirk from your mother! But NO!" He continued
"You are even too scared to use your quirks for longer then 15 minutes!! And the reason is that you don't want to lose the control and destroy everything around you!!" I looked at the floor 'so I am useless...?'
"I only don't want to hurt anyone one... Is  that, that bad?! Am I that bad?! Am I that useless?" He nodded and looked away in the opposite way then me
"Yes. That's why everyone is mean to you, we can't kill you, so we have to make you kill yourself." I stared at him, shocked, surprised, speechless, hurt.

Todorokis pov

I was about to ho when I suddenly heard yelling come out of the hospital room where [y/n] and the father of them was. I hurried back. The voice that was yelling didn't sounded like the voice of [y/n] and Souta went out a little ago, so it can only be their Dad. I went in the room, I didn't cared if it was allowed or not
"I heard yelling! What's going on?!" I asked worried. I didn't understood what he yelled, but he definitely yelled. [y/n] looked like the whole world got destroyed before the eyes of them. They fell on the knees with a total-shock-face.
"What's wrong?! What happened?!" I asked again, ran to [y/n] and keel down in front of them.
"Don't care about them, they're okay!" 'This Dad is going to hell just now if he goes on like that!!' I thought
"OKAY?! Look at them!! This look is like the whole world of them just got destroyed!!" I hugged [y/n] and said that we should go to our dorm. They nodded, still shocked like hell.

Timeskip: in your dorm

Your pov

I sat down on the bed and Todoroki sat down next to me.
"Tell me what happened, I can help you!" 'no... Nobody can help me... Nobody wants me alive... So many people but only one wish...' I started crying and shacked my head. Todoroki pulled me close to him
"Hey it's fine! Don't cry..." I cried in his chest and trued to apologize, but all my sobs and tears made it almost impossible. Todoroki stroked my head
"Sshhhh, everything is okay, I'm here, always."

Todorokis pov

[y/n] cried in my arms for hours, hours and hours, until they finally fell asleep. I lay down on the bed, now [y/n] was lying on my chest and they snuggled on me, while sleeping. '...cute...' I thought 'I wonder what's going on in the mind of them...' I looked at the clock, midnight. I pit my head on top of the head of them, when suddenly they started shaking
"Hm? Sshhhh... Everything is okay..." I pulled them closer so that they could feel that I'm here and won't let anything happen to them. I started rubbing the back of them to calm them down too and it worked. [y/n] snuggled more on my chest so there wasn't even a millimeter between us. I started blushing 'so damn cute...'. With the super cute looking thing in my arms I fell asleep.

Timeskip: next morning

Pomeranians pov

'Ugh why me...' I thought while I was going to the dorm of Icy'hot and this scared stuttering mess. I had to wake them up, because otherwise they would have been to late for school 'it's not my fault that this two dumbasses don't go to bed earlier' I had my hands in my pockets and was to Lazy to put them out so i just kicked the door open
"SLEEPYHEADS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE Y-" what I saw made me shut up. I was reading for everything but not that. Icy'hot woke up. This new mess and Icy'hot were cuddling, freaking cuddling even though the new mess didn't liked being touched!!
"Hell NOPE" I yelled and went to school. 'Why is it always me...'

I know, I know. This chapter is a little short + a big mess. But we hit the 1tsd reads!! *music plays in the background*

Thank you all so much! I never thought that so many people would read this

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Thank you all so much! I never thought that so many people would read this. I mean, common, I saw a lot story that are much better then this! But I'm trying my best! Thank you all so much! Any ideas for a special?
Hope you have/had a nice day/night!
Words: 940

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