19. Chapter: a scary fight

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'Why is it always me...'
The angry Bakugou thought when he went to school

Your pov

Bakugou walked away, he saw us cuddling and looked very disgusted. Todoroki woke up at the moment when Bakugou slammed the door back closed.
"What's going on with Bakugou?" He asked. I quickly let go of him, blushing.
"I-I... H-he saw u-us c-cuddling..." Todoroki nodded and looked at the clock
"Shit! We're coming to late to school!" He quickly got up to change, I went to the bathroom to change too.

Timeskip: in class

Your pov

Todoroki and I made it to class just in time. I went to my desk and sit down, when suddenly Mina came
"So... Bakugou said that you and Todoroki were cuddling!?" I looked at her 'why would Bakugou tell her that?' Mina smiled a knowing smile. She wanted to say something else, but Souta yelled Todorokis name. Todoroki asked what's wrong
"If you hurt my little'one, I swear to god, I'll kill you!!" Souta went to him and looked him angry but calm in the eyes
"I was only comforting them, because you them alone with your Father." Todorokis voice sounded annoyed and angry, but he still said it serious and calm. Souta was quiet for a few seconds, the turned around, walked to me and grabbed my shoulders
"What. Did. He. Do." I looked around, then back to him and said what Dad told me with short words and quick, but I told it a little different so the others won't be curious or think something. He hugged me quick
"Listen: they're not right! Don't give them what they want! And, maybe Dad told you that, I'm not jealous or anything!...I'm so sorry..." He said the last part. I wanted to thank him but Aizawa came in and started the lesson

Timeskip: after school

Todorokis pov

Me, Souta and [y/n] were about to go home when suddenly Chiko came to us
"Hey! Do you know why Chiyoko comes here?" [y/n] nodded and looked at the floor, obviously sad. 'That name sounds familiar...'
"Wait... Chiyoko? Didn't you said she's one of your friends?" They all looked suprised at me and shacked their head in unison. Souta turned to Chiko
"Our Dad said she's reliant to come here, because [y/n] and me want to stay here." Chiko nodded
"I'll do my best to calm her down... Yk what I mean..." [y/n] and Souta nodded. [y/n] was still looking at the floor and said they're going to our dorm. I ignored the fact that I didn't knew what he meant and said that I'm going with them. Souta turned around and said that he's going to visit their Dad.

Timeskip: in your Dorm

Todorokis pov

"So when Chiyoko is not one of your friends, who is she then?" I asked [y/n] through the door of ten bathroom. They was changing into normal clothes
"Someone I know" that was everything I got as an answer. I had the feeling that she more then just someone they knew but I said nothing else to that. I asked what they wanted to do today, before they could answer Mina ran in our dorm, grabbed [y/n]s wrist and pulled them with her
"YOU TWO COME WITH ME, NOW!!!" [y/n] flinched and tried to get out of her grip. Mina now realized what she was doing, let go of them and apologized. I asked why we should go with her
"We're playing truth or dare!" She said very haply, even though we're playing that too often.
"Do we have to play too?" [y/n] and me asked at the same time. Mina yelled yes and ran out of the room. I sighed and followed her with [y/n]

Timeskip: with the others

Your pov

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