21. Chapter: relaxed- or not?

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'Wait... What if he only does that to... Use me... And make me fall apart at the end...?'
They thought, but instantly throwed that thought away.

Todorokis pov

I went out and saw [y/n] still turned to the wall and cuddling with the blanket. That was so cute it made me smile. I said goodnight and went to the couch but [y/n] wanted to ask something
"Sure, what is it?" They closed their eyes and seemed embarrassed
"C-can we c-cuddle again? W-when we c-cuddle the n-nightmares are n-not that w-worse" I smiled more, went to the bed, said sure and they thanked me. I lay down next to them, put the blanket over us and took them in my arms. I blushed a little

Your pov

I snuggled to Shotos chest and blushed.
"Thank you so much" I felt him laying his head on top of mine
"Everything for you" I smiled a little. I was happy that he was there, happy that I finally found a real friend, but it was difficult for Mr to believe that was true. Then I fell asleep

Timeskip: afternoon

Todorokis pov

It knocked on the door. I looked down to [y/n] who was still snuggled at my chest, sound asleep, peaceful. I sighed and carefully stood up, not waking [y/n] up, then walked to the door and opened it, comes out, it was Mina who was knocking. I asked what she wanted
"Wake [y/n] up and I tell you" I looked at [y/n]. They was so cute sleeping, I couldn't wake them up. And I told Mina that
"Then I'll wake them up" she started walking in but I hold her back on her arm
"Don't wake them up! They're finally sleeping without nightmares!" She looked at me and said that its noon, time to stand up. I wanted to say something but then I saw [y/n] rubbing the eyes and then sit up.
"I'm sorry, did we woke you up?" They looked to us and shacked the head.
"H-how long d-did I-I slept?" I told them how long they slept
"That's long enough! We want to make a virtual fight battle!" 'Oh? Is it already that day?' They stood up and walked to us

Your pov

"I-I never p-played a v-virtual g-game" I stood up and walked to them
"Why are you still wearing the uniform?" She asked, I looked down and remembered that I didn't changed before I fell asleep. Before I could answer she kept talking
"Anyways, Todoroki can teach you! He's actually very good and always gets a good place!" Then I answered why I was still wearing the uniform and I asked if they do battle like this often.
"Yeah! Really often, but on the last day of every month we make a battle between us all, the winner can choose in what the next battle is. The second and third place gets candys and the last place have to do an embarrassing thing." Mina explained, Shoto helped.
"Last time Kaminari won and he choosed a virtual fight for the next battle." I looked at him
"T-That sounds v-very f-funny! I-I don't h-have a p-problem with t-that!" Mina said happily when and where we do the battle, then she left. Shoto sighed and said that the game is a little brutal and would scare me, I looked at the floor and only said that it's worth it. He glanced a little worried at me and asked if I'm sure. I nodded and went to the bathroom to change into normal clothes.

Timeskip: in the main room (cuz I'm lazy af)

Todorokis pov

"There you two are!" Midoriya said [y/n] nodded and looked at the floor 'it seems like they don't really like Midoriya... I wonder why?' I thought
"So, at the moment team Bakugou and Team Kaminari are playing, only you two, team Deku and my team are still in the game. Team Mineta is the last place" Mina explained

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