10. Chapter: truth or dare

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"M-my mom w-was k-killed when I-I was 10..." I swallowed
"A-and my D-Dad doesn't c-care about m-me..."
I sat up and hid my face in my hands, bot wanting to see anyones face

Your pov.

"I'm sorry for your Mom..." I heard Kirishima said when I felt two arms wrapping around me. I looked up and saw that it was Kirishima, he looked sad
"But why do you think that your Dad doesn't care about you?" I backed away from his hug, not used to be hugged and gently touched
"B-because h-he j-" Aizawa interrupted me
"I need to talk with you" I nodded 'did I do something? Do I have to go? With my Dad because he's searching for me? Please not...' We walked away from the others so that they can't hear us. I was scared what he wanted to talk about with me.
"I heard what your quirk is, it's really strong and if you really don't want home, you can stay here" he looked again tired, like always I saw him. I really don't wanted home 'I want to stay here! With all this kind people! But...'
"I-I really w-want to s-stay here, b-but there's n-no free d-dorm" I said with a sad voice. He thought about something a little and then nodded
"You could stay in Todorokis dorm" I was so happy to hear that! 'But... What if the others don't want me to stay? It wouldn't be nice from me if I stay here, even though they don't want me here...' My happiness flew away
"I-if it's o-okay for a-all?" He just shacked his head
"I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that you stay and if they don't like that you stay, they don't have a choice, you want to stay so you stay. You get your uniform tomorrow, oh and please give me a drawing, or something, from your Hero suit." Before I could respond with anything, he left. I went back to the others, they seemed to already forgot about what we were talking. 'Thank god...' I thought when Mina noticed that I was back
"What were you talking about?" She asked, I quickly explained about what we talked. Mina ran to me, hugged me that hard that I nearly fell.
"Cool!!!" 'She seems to be happy about it!?' I thought while I tried to get out of her hug. She let go of me and everyone congratulated (this is the hardest word I've ever wrote without any help-). Suddenly Denki jumped on his legs
"I'm super bored, does anyone wants to play 'truth or dare'?" I knew this game and the rules of it, but never played it. Everyone agreed to it. Kirishima got up
"I'll get the others"

Timeskip: 20 minutes later

Todorokis pov.

After 20 minutes Kirishima came back with Bakugou, Uraraka and Shinsou.
"I start! [y/n] truth or dare?" Mina looked at them. They hesitated and then picked truth. Mina nodded and asked then
"Do you have any siblings?" That's a good question. They nodded, thought a little and then said
"Yeah... I-I have a-an older b-brother..." They looked at the floor like they regret something but then they shacked the head and looked around, thinking about who they want to pick
"Hmm... K-Kaminari? Truth o-or dare?" He jumped again on his legs and said with enthusiasm
"DARE!!" They thought again a little.
"Y-your dare I-is it... T-to hug S-Shinsou!" That was cute. Kaminari looked at them, all enthusiasm gone
"Seriously?" Mina pushed him to Shinsou
"Shut up and just do it" he then just shook his shoulders and hugged Shinsou. In this moment Bakugou entered the room, Kaminaris face went directly to him
"BAKUGOU truth or dare?!!" Bakugou growled
"I'M NOT F*CKING PLAYING" he yelled, I saw how [y/n] flinched and looked at the floor. While all the others dragged Bakugou to play with us I went to [y/n] to ask what's wrong. Before I could ask, I saw that they was about to cry. 'What? Why? Did I missed something?!' I hugged them
"Hey what's wrong?" I said quietly and calm. They only shacked the head and pulled me away. Then Bakugou began to scream again
"FINE!! AND NOW EVERYONE SHUT THE F*CK UP!" Everyone went silent, he made a 'Tch sound and picked dare
"I dare you to give Midoriya a compliment!!" Denki said again with to much enthusiasm. He didn't saw that Bakugou looked like he was about to blow him up.
"FINE! ...f*cking Pikachu..." He mumbled the last part but I understood it.
"Deku, you have a nice quirk!?!!" He breathed between every word and said it very aggressive and angry. Midoriya looked at him speechless.
"Someone is probably going to die" Kirishima said with a thinking face. [y/n] looked at him confused and asked why
"Because Bakugou's our angry pomeranian" Mina said happily. Bakugou just got more angry
"I'm NOT a f*cking POMERANIAN!!" Kaminari didn't agreed with him...
"You are!" That made Bakugou go to him, grab him on his shirt and said something, but I went between them, dragging them away from each other
"Stop it guys!" Bakugou made again a 'Tch sound and left. We all played after that much rounds

Timeskip: in the evening, in Todoroki and your Dorm

Your pov.

I sat in Todoroki and my dorm on the couch, drawing my Heto suit.

(if you're not from TT and didn't saw the one I drew, just imagine your own, okay?)

Todoroki came in and looked at me and asked:
"What are you doing?"
"Drawing" I answered short, not looking up from my paper. He came to me, sat down next to me and looked at the paper
"And what are you drawing?" I finished a line and then answered
"M-my Hero s-suit" he nodded and tried to get a better look of it
"Can I see it?" I nodded, put the pencil away and showed him the drawing. He said that it looked really good but I didn't really thought it was
"Thank you, I-I'm going t-to sleep n-now" I said he nodded but before he could say anything I said something else
"B-But this t-time you s-sleep on t-the bed!" He looked a little sad and annoyed.
"Why? I want to sleep on the couch" I thought a little 'it's his dorm so he should sleep on the bed! But he said that he wants to sleep on the couch and I don't want to argue with him...' So I just nodded and lay down on the bed

Timeskip: next morning

Todorokis pov.

I waked up on my alarm clock. I stood up to wake up [y/n] too, since they're going to school now to, but they was crying, in the sleep, without any sob, sound or anything. The tears were just silently falling. I ran to them
"Hey!! Wake up!!"

Another Chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed and/or like it! Hope you all have a nice day/night and you a are good!!
Words: 1218

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