8. Chapter: saved again

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...what did I do to deserve this?'
I defended against the hug from Todoroki, backed away a little and wiped my tears away but my thoughts won't stop searching for a reason why I deserved this.

Your pov.

Suddenly the police came in, way to late to get my Dad.
"Finally my eyes hurt" Aizawa said when he let the police get the boy with the scars and the other boy with the hands. One policeman went to us
"Is someone hurt?" He asked Aizawa, he shacked his head, talking to the polman for awhile, but I didn't listened. I looked to Todoroki, he had his head turned to Aizawa and the policeman but then, like he felt I was looking at him, he turned his head to me and smiled a little at me. That made me more sad then I already was. I ran to him, hugging him, and crying again in his chest. He just hugged me back, picked me up like a Baby and stood up. I defended a little, but then just snuggled on his chest. I stopped crying but I still had tears in my eyes. The policeman then went to us and smiled at me
"Hey, little kid, you're okay now. Happily this persons came and saved you!" I hid my face in Todorokis chest and grabbed his shirt, trying not to cry again. 'I'm not okay now. My Dad knows now where I am and he will come get me' I then blacked out.

Timeskip: 10 minutes later, by the dorms, in the main room

Your pov.

"We're all fine!" Midoriya voice waked me up. I still felt Todorokis arms around me so Ieaned more into his chest, not opening my eyes and listening to Walt the others say
"But we're all tired I'm going to my dorm." He stated walking and I grabbed his shirt again. I felt how he took a hand away from me to open a door, walking in the room, laying me does on the bed and closing the door again.
"Tomorrow you should be back to normal" he said. He knew that I was aware so I opened my eyes and nodded. He looked outside of the window.
"It's already dark outside" It was really dark and I could only see the bright full moon. I then fell asleep while looking at the moon.

Next morning

Your pov.

I woke up from a nightmare, again, but this time I couldn't remember the dream. I stood up and noticed that I wad back to normal. The hoodie was long enough to hide my knees and my hands too of course 'I'm so happy that they bought me this hoodie' I thought. I saw that Todoroki was awake too, he played something on his phone and didn't looked at me.
"Good morning" he just said I hesitated but then responded with my quirk
"G-good morning" I stuttered, even though I'm talking with my quirk. It's like I said; it's like I would really speak. He instantly laid down his phone and looked confused at me, then his face got a happy expression
"Oh, right. You're back to normal and can speak now. Sweet voice!" I shacked my head and smiled a little.
"Th-thank you b-but I d-don't really s-speak, it's m-my quirk. M-my voice s-sounds like y-you imagine i-it" he nodded
"Oh, yes, you already said that!" I nodded back. He stood up and went to the bathroom to change. I used my other quirk to get me black pants and put them on. Todoroki came out of the bathroom and looked at me the whole time. I blushed a little and felt a little uncomfortable. 'He's probably disappointed in my look' I looked away
"I-is something w-wrong?" He started smiling a little, shacked his head and started walking out of the dorm while he Said something;
"You look cute!" I looked away, I knew it wasn't true and he said it to only comfortable me.
"T-thank you b-but it's n-not true"

I'm sorry, this chapter is a little short, but my school stars in two days and I had to prepare. Maybe longer chapters will come Tomorrow!
Words: 717

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